The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
just told my lass i want a gin still for xmas. she aint happy.
we've talked about it and for both our sake i'm not getting one. she countered my arguments well. :(
I've got a small one in Poland Don. When I go over me and her brother make 'Bimber' in the garage, comes out at 60-80%!

Have another talk with your lass Don. If you can make good enough gear you can sell it legal, your old pal Yorkie's licensed! ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I've got a small one in Poland Don. When I go over me and her brother make 'Bimber' in the garage, comes out at 60-80%!
Have another talk with your lass Don. If you can make good enough gear you can sell it legal, your old pal Yorkie's licensed! ;)
man those sausage rolls know how to make vodka. i went in 93 and visited the zubrowski place. wasn't old enough to drink it sadly. but had a few glasses at a 'folk' night. they were making what they called tea with power! black tea made with voddy in it. we were on a proper tourist night thing where the locals took you to this boozer on sleds with a few horses in front. they took us down to the place at 7 and were basically hanging about outside till we'd finished boozing to take us yem. poor fuckers weren't frozen as they were used to it just playing cards n smoking shit tabs. we took them a few cups of this 'tea' and they were well happy. bloke let me drive the sled home half cut at 11 lmao polands a cracking country if you ask me.

ever try pochin? irish tatty vodka, fuckin lethal

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Well I've swapped the 400w MH for the 600w HPS and flipped the switch yesterday, my 600w ballast is at least twice the size of the 400w yet runs quieter AND cooler!?


I've got a house inspection from my estate agent due in about 2-3 weeks, it's going to be fun trying to wrap this in black bags and duct tape then squeeze the fucker through the loft hatch the night before!



The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
man those sausage rolls know how to make vodka. i went in 93 and visited the zubrowski place. wasn't old enough to drink it sadly. but had a few glasses at a 'folk' night. they were making what they called tea with power! black tea made with voddy in it. we were on a proper tourist night thing where the locals took you to this boozer on sleds with a few horses in front. they took us down to the place at 7 and were basically hanging about outside till we'd finished boozing to take us yem. poor fuckers weren't frozen as they were used to it just playing cards n smoking shit tabs. we took them a few cups of this 'tea' and they were well happy. bloke let me drive the sled home half cut at 11 lmao polands a cracking country if you ask me.

ever try pochin? irish tatty vodka, fuckin lethal

The missus has just asked why where you visiting Poland in 1993 at 11 years old?
They'd only just got rid of communism (1990) and had fuck all! She said "I'm surprised he wasn't traumatised!"

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mate it was cheap as fuck, took the fuckin bus there too lmao had nowt as a bairn man.

we took 150 quid for 3 of us for 10 days and brought yem change. lived like kings. well as much as you can do in a country with fuck all. day tripped to Czechoslovakia now those poor fuckers had nothing. and i mean nowt. the supermarkets had only one fo anything on the shelf no shit. news broadcasts on tannoys in the streets at 6pm n stuff.

did Auschwitz too. now that left an impression believe me.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
did Auschwitz too. now that left an impression believe me.
Eye mate, me too. A very moving experience to say the least.

When I went to the gas chamber and found the scratch marks in the wall made by fingers I just sat down on the floor with my back to the wall and automatically shed a few tears, I looked across the room and another guy was doing the same.

The girlfriend waited outside for me. She said she went inside the chamber when she was young with school and refused to ever go inside again, It hurts her too much.


Well-Known Member
wheres the best place to get plant vitality from? i usually get my stuff on ebay but i cant find any on there

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye man whole place just left me cold. the huts with just rows and rows of pictures of emaciated jews was sickening. pics of piles of hair and gold/silver teeth, glasses, shoes n stuff was horrible.

hard to imagine what those poor fuckers felt when they saw the gate with the words 'work makes you free'.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
aye man whole place just left me cold. the huts with just rows and rows of pictures of emaciated jews was sickening. pics of piles of hair and gold/silver teeth, glasses, shoes n stuff was horrible.

hard to imagine what those poor fuckers felt when they saw the gate with the words 'work makes you free'.

'Treblinka' was the most efficient camp, it's said that within 20 mins of arriving at the camp you were dead! It was just a pure machine.

But then it's ironic that without all the medical experiments that went on at Auschwitz we wouldn't have shit loads of the modern medicine we take for granted today.

The 'morning after' pill for example has Auschwitz to thank for it's existence.
Could I have some advice plz? Just germinated my seeds now debating what to do? Was thinking bout now putting them in medium lightly water them put a sandwhich bag over each and put them in the propogator with lid off till first two leaves show. Will that work?


Well-Known Member
You should of followed what I told you to do with the lemon a month ago mate. Dry it out second week flowering and again 5th week. Ph 5.5 ec 1.8 dont overfert as will stunt growth. I gt 5 and a half oz off a 4 foot plant topped once. Ghs slh.
You tryin to teach a dog how to lick its own bollox? just fuckin about mate but this ain't no ghs slh or could be just ain't your pheno you can chuck as much or as little food at this bitch as ya want with no probs this is my 3rd run with it 1st 1 I did got me 4oz with a 9 day veg no topping or trainin finished up about 3ft as long as your ph lol is good with this bitch it will yield good....