The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lol i am back but now im off again as im in need of soom yummy food, i will be back on later but if it stays the same on her then i will be off again as think the uk lot are some what of a softy bunch that just chat shizzzzzzzzz lol....pmsl me attitude no never......yes defo due on so no shit gggrrrr..... no pics as yet but will get some sorted....i never have less than 60 down ;-)....... chow for now x ;-)
anger and self-reflection..............................we gt a live one here ;) chow mein ;)


Well-Known Member
chillout sesh bong in hand and about 300w (soundnot light) ;).....................................[video=youtube;LIDwgpBh0Aw][/video]

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
if you cant find any i get it free next day delievery of amazon, 7pound a litre, 99.9%. never failed to make me wicked oils
nice one cheers

lol are you now tut tut and toys....... ha ha how funny...why waste time with the EDL........ what is it thay all i see is a bunch of soft men that just turn up to chat shit and do fuck all............ less chat and more action is what is needed
off duty Footy hooligans for the most part. The ideal is right tho. Fuck Islam. You're an infidadel to them.


Well-Known Member
i am chilled cheeseyyyyyyyyyyyyy................. hows you and your flea infested ass hole ;-), so glad your arms are to short to relieve your self ;-) x
Haha i dont need to relieve myself dear i get folk to do that for me u muppet lmao hows the op goin with 80 odd lights haha?? =-O


Well-Known Member
all that hifi and still nee taste :lol: howaz lad

though i do like pitbulls track with cypress hill
.................................................. .........[video=dailymotion;xe8n7][/video]


Well-Known Member
Wots happenin lads just finished my chore lol and in sat here lovin the smell of me atm lmfao good job the misses is out haha no dought she ll smell it on the bed wen she gets in lol just hope shes pissed haha
pukka lad nice1 for the gift bro came today connot grab it till i pass through lol on another note this time next week and ill be chop chop choppin em down lmao cant wait to get my hands on the lemon shit she smells just like spilt lemonade lol i could just eat the fucker


Well-Known Member
Can imagine lad yh its lass pheno mdb i donr toke bit u know im tryin that shit haha
yeh we ll remember to share,lol
just been to turn my lights on wen i noticed they hadent turned on,the tall one bud plants is filling out like a fucker solid as fuk already,,turning a redish colour so maybe its a bsb and every morning u can smell em out of the room shit they smell sexy!
chedz how cum i dint get a slh cutting of you?waent i menna? cant rember?

and did u find the exo much hungrier than the bsb?