The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Settled on a packet of hula hoops. U seen Walker have brought out mystery flavour bags. Great idea for the women. Why do they have to be reassured on every descision they make.........why do women fake orgasms......coz they think we give a fuck
men, been to the gym,had a nice hot shower and ive just picked up a bottle of home brew off a neighbour for this afternoon.ive got a few spliffs rolled up for the xbox tournament with the lads,after which i'll muck about online with some porn and gambling sites then its a nice blow job befor i head off to bed. i fucking love prison ! ;-)


Active Member
Settled on a packet of hula hoops. U seen Walker have brought out mystery flavour bags. Great idea for the women. Why do they have to be reassured on every descision they make.........why do women fake orgasms......coz they think we give a fuck
And my circle of grace and beauty is complete. Hi Billy :D


Well-Known Member
im for a lie in everyday coz ahm a benefit scrounging fucker....fuckin lovely...with my extra cash for being an alcoholic i can eat chinese food every night now....god bless the welfare state
u can get extra money for being a alcoholic??? where do i sign.............. lol


Well-Known Member
u can get extra money for being a alcoholic??? where do i sign.............. lol
i dunno bill i dont watch cooncil telly, i only watch babestation on sky...aye bill jist geez a shout and we can have a drink together at sum point.
yes mate i get an extra 40 or 50 quid a giro for being an alki and i got a nice little back datted lump sum of about 800 notes.....sweet.


Well-Known Member
Mind and sign with a shakey Fishing season starts March 15th Dura....sorry poachin season
cant wait broth pot head, i hardly did any fishin last year coz i'd lost my licence but im gonny get the finger out and get stuck in this year, need tae start really doing the fly fishing


Well-Known Member
U aff the antibuse tablets? First person to answer gets a g of weed......What channel is babestation?
ahve been aff them for about 2 weeks i was sober from the 2nd o january tae about the first o feb, ahm goin back on them in a week or so for another month jist tae get sum stuff sorted out; grow, possible eviction, uni essay etc. then off them again after that, i kinda came tae realise that i need chemical support ALL the time....ah well thats life....channels 900 and up ye dont fuckin know! check yer favourites ya cunt.


Well-Known Member
Best of the Best is on CH5. Result. My wee bro asked a bird if she had a pen. She said yes. Well get back init then ya pig was his reply. Comedy gold


Well-Known Member
i was watchin Scrubs earlier and the old doctor kelso asked the blonde bird elliot if she could do a lecture coz the guy that was supposed to do it couldnt make it, the speech was on 'the fear of public speaking' she says 'cant he do thru fear of public speaking,haha', the old boy replys ' no, his depressions came back and he hanged himself'....i nearly swallowed a cushion.