The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Mummy's home =) Hi boys, girls and non-specifics, sorry to have deprived you of my scintillating contributions for so long but I've been busy busy busy, and besides, I like observing you unsupervised in your natural habitats from time to time, with no interference from a superior intelligence (i.e. me).

Hey unlucky - I see you've survived the first week and claimed your place on the thread ;) Congratulations sounds patronizing but you know what I mean.

UKRG around tonight?

View attachment 2054872

lol thankyou ;-)


Well-Known Member
lmao, I wish i was the same mate, for the most part it's because i can't afford to take the loss if anything were to happen, i've had bad luck in the past and had gaps between grows because of having to move house and grows 3 times now so for the most part i've been playing catch up and by the time we have caught up we've had to move again because somethings gone wrong and then the cycle starts over, in the last house i payed out to build a proper room had the electrics put in aswell as the floor and insulation etc and then had to have work done on the house so shut down and months later they still hadn't sorted it so i'm just starting back up again really after a 6month break but had to fork out here again and it's put me on the back foot with it really. I liked doing the powder when i was doing it an ice cream tub in the freezer and a couple of boxes in the cupboard and jobs a gooden only problem was the people i had to put up with after about 18months i couldn't handle dealing with them anymore they're just to erratic for my liking mate.
you're definitely a braver man than me mate most i would have got would have been 2yrs i reckon

Most i've sat on is 1/2 box of posh 20000 pukkers and 10 boxes of phet the guys that i was looking after it for 1 got out friday after 5 years and the other is on remand looking at 10 or more years so i'm glad i stood down when i did now it's just the weed and maybe some mdma and posh now and again

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Most i've sat on is 1/2 box of posh 20000 pukkers and 10 boxes of phet the guys that i was looking after it for 1 got out friday after 5 years and the other is on remand looking at 10 or more years so i'm glad i stood down when i did now it's just the weed and maybe some mdma and posh now and again
definitely sounds like you picked a good time to get out mate, that's quiet the list above to have at any one time, the most i've had to worry about is 3 kegs of base and that was made from one from the manufacturer, was a while back now but that would have got me 2yrs i can't imagine what your list would come in at lol. as strange as it's gonna sound i've never tried mdma had the choice a couple of times but never bothered coz i was already wrecked and haven't heard about it or seen it for a while is it popular up your end mate? i don't leave the house much these days and have been off the scene just sticking to the green the last couple of years, i don't bother with the sniff no more either because it's just to shit down yer now the days of getting good gear have dissapeared for me it's all 3 for a ton now and all in that range of shite for the most part


Well-Known Member
im going to have to confiscate all drugs for testing, its only cause of my love for fellow members that i put my brave self forward for this task lol


Well-Known Member
Settled on a packet of hula hoops. U seen Walker have brought out mystery flavour bags. Great idea for the women. Why do they have to be reassured on every descision they make.........why do women fake orgasms......coz they think we give a fuck


Well-Known Member
Money has been contributed to him on behalf of Breeders Boutique, if anyone wants to know how to send donations for bail and a lawyer feel free to get in touch. He's had all his money frozen by the Feds so needs help...I know we all have our own problems but just wanted to mention it since n.u.l brought it up.
av lost the thread but was just reading that old mod fdd got arrested a while ago n is still in nick, carnt say i ever got on that great with him but he could grow some serious weed.......


Well-Known Member
I see yer full of the usual West coast cheer Bill, lol.
Settled on a packet of hula hoops. U seen Walker have brought out mystery flavour bags. Great idea for the women. Why do they have to be reassured on every descision they make.........why do women fake orgasms......coz they think we give a fuck