Good good mate,......... you wanna try the 1ltr aipots mate instead of the party cups they kick arse! if ya not fussed about the big 1s at least give them ago, there spot on for veggin an are tiny aswell can veg for months in um with out gettin root bound!
I've had my eye on those for a while then thought they would just add a step I don't need. The party cups are only the little half pint jobs just to get a bit of a rootball (fortnight tops) on the go so I can transport them to The Lab safely and then veg them in their final 15L pts under the 400w MH, then under 1000w HPS for production.
I think some of those big 20L Airpots are going to be top of the shopping list for next time though and replace the standard pots that I've got now.
u tried grass vodka?(poilish) its that thik its like syrup u have to pur half out and mix with water give it a shake it goes cloudy then clears up (unless u wanna be drinking 90+ proof syrup
evil shit that is
Yes but your actually thinking of two different drinks, the Vodka with grass in it is this stuff.

It's called Zubrowka (pronounced Szhe-bruff-ka) and it's sort of the Polish national Vodka, they say it's supposed to be drunk in shots with an Apple Juice chaser.
mind you they drink all Vodka in shots,same as the Russians. It's only really western pussies who mix Vodka with coke/lemonade/tonic and stuff, to them mixing Vodka is like drinking shandy or a lager top!
The drink that goes cloudy when mixed with water and is usually an evil 80% or so is Absinth.
The more cloudy it goes the better quality it is, it should be drunk diluted with filtered water that has been dripped through a sugar cube in order to dissolve it into the drink slowly.
That particular bottle was an imported present, it's from the Czech Republic and it's 70%.