Well-Known Member
96 ballast wtf, its not that big, i dont live in a small poxy house and yes 3k in the loft so what ?...... happy mondays...bez your the fucking best...you make this manchester girl very happy happy happyim sorry nice avvy n all u just dont seem savvy?( I KNOW SAYS ME RITE!!>?? LMAO)
do u find youself trying to eat your own ear when hungry rubbing ur belly whilst unstoppably dribbling? sortov vacant stare to the celing? nodding your head to type on a lappy gaffa taped stick on your forhead to hit the keys whilst in a weelchair?
here i hope this helps
PS thats one BIG fucking attick for 3 grow rroms and 96 ballasts![]()

ps 6oplants per room 15/20k every 9/10 weeks per room so whats 3k on covering my ass