The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
ive not got any......but can tell you have a very small willy the size of a clit and thats why your all women
No way sister, I can assure you that all the UK-ers on this thread have dicks like baseball bats - newbie privileges, I got to test-run each one along with free smokes - highly recommended, all excellent shags, all you have to do is PM them for a meet, really generous boys, these ones. PM me for my secret Top 5 list - one of them has two dicks but he's a bit shy about it, doesn't like too much public acclaim.


Active Member
it has taken me some time to work out who are the trolls and who are not, you folk here are so quirky + illiterate
but i think i am getting there now :)
Don't think there are any other trolls actually. Yours and Unlucky's were the only 2 new names I noticed tonight.


Well-Known Member
The troll has been placed on ignore .. now that the weasel has been identified without it's audience it will fade away
with no one left to seek approval from to help raise its self esteem .. the troll/parasite will move on to another host



Active Member
The troll has been placed on ignore .. now that the weasel has been identified without it's audience it will fade away
with no one left to seek approval from to help raise its self esteem .. the troll/parasite will move on to another host

Roger that. Dammit I was just drinking some tea, getting revved up (like I said, we haven't met - but I'm the quiet well-behaved member, the peacemaker, the subject-switcher... but I'm having a very bad week)


Active Member
what seems to be the trouble .. sorry to hear about your bad week

what type of movies do you like ?
:D :D You're a skunkdoc, not a shrink, right? Just the usual kind of bad week - stalkers and axe murderers and stuff - but it just felt worse than usual because I was out of weed for a couple of days. During which time, bizarrely, it was this thread that kept me sane, so I'm feeling kind of defensive towards it tonight, albeit in a very half-hearted miaowing kind of way ;)

Mind-fuck movies. I explained the concept a while back on this thread, and will explain in detail in a few minutes if you're still awake, but this new weed is giving me raging munchies, gotta go and raid the kitchen...


Well-Known Member
i am a headfuck specialist by nature :) and a skunkd0c :)
erm not seen too many films lately, i tend to watch typical "male"kinda films, not too much thinking involved plot wise lol

i liked drive, that was good
in time was good, the woman in that wow lol
johnny english, i watched with my son the other week was ok, bit silly
an old film called bad santa, has a little black midget in it, was funny my boy liked it too lol

dwarf* don't want to offend any midgets reading this