The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
goat herders .. interesting .. are you in the third world ?

this guy makes the most fantastic toad-in-the-hole


Active Member
goat herders .. interesting .. are you in the third world ?
Hahahahahaha almost :D And I used to live somewhere that called itself second world I think - aspirations of grandeur :D Yummy creamy yoghurt and stuff you get from goats mind you.

@Unlucky:it was a chef's thread a few hours ago unless I was hallucinating. I might have been. I remember wondering at the time.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm dunno how it works in the UK but in some countries they have shepherds who herd sheep and goats from fresh pastures to fresh pastures up in the mountains =) Waterfalls, rivers, streams and so on are the natural habitats of certain freshwater fish. And, erm, when you put these together, you get my scenario... Unless I'm missing something here? *sudden moment of grave self-doubt*
Thot ur shepherd was herding fish.for a min n captured 1 for dinner lol. To much bevy :-(


Well-Known Member
Just a couple of nights ago I was raving about the quality of the humour on this thread actually.

Seriously, how long was I passed out for?! It's like I woke up to a parallel thread.
nah, m8 goatboy slipped you a roofie and some acid in that fish


Well-Known Member
Wot u think cos u kid on ur runnin 18 600's ur a gangsta?? Fuckin jog on ya prick some of us grow for other reasons. U jump on a thread cos a fuss for a few dys n think ur it n a bit!!! Ur the fuckin wannabe. Ur ex is a copper,this that n the nxt. Googles a gr8 thing cos thats where ur patter comes fae. U no fuck all bout anythin or any cunt so fuck off back tae the smelly wee hole u.crawled out a!!!! Grrrrrr small minded wanks like u do ma fucki box in!!!!!
can someone translate this into english


Active Member
Wot u think cos u kid on ur runnin 18 600's ur a gangsta?? Fuckin jog on ya prick some of us grow for other reasons. U jump on a thread cos a fuss for a few dys n think ur it n a bit!!! Ur the fuckin wannabe. Ur ex is a copper,this that n the nxt. Googles a gr8 thing cos thats where ur patter comes fae. U no fuck all bout anythin or any cunt so fuck off back tae the smelly wee hole u.crawled out a!!!! Grrrrrr small minded wanks like u do ma fucki box in!!!!!
Whose ex is a copper?! On this thread?!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
"They" would be the people from my past namely my english teacher, and baklawa i believe so but could be wrong it's been along time since my school days

@scotia beautifully put mate