The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, i'm just taunting him, plus, just had to lop off the main cola of my darkstar due to mould, bit peeved, thta's 2 plants in a row, i blame the 3 or 4 days the fan was turned off at night. Just weiged up my oil tin and i''ve a minimum of 5g left :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mold is a twat. but hey its more to go through the bubble bags or into the iso actually probably better in the bags i dunno if iso would kill spores?!

i'm glad i'm shutting down for the winter months, if last winter was owt to go by

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
My room get's cold as fuck but i've never had an issue whatsoever with the exo, so if in doubt, exo it is :) as i say, i think it was due to 12 hours a day with no ventilation fan, DWC tubs are gonna raise humidity a touch and those two plants were very compact. As you say though, can just run it through mne bubble bags :)


Well-Known Member
i agree about the mold its a right pain , i had a friend do a 1 plant grow and all the main cola was a black mushy mess ... i had to point it out to the twat lol

and ttt stop bragging about your acres of weed , this drought is serious , i got 8 weeks before chop then 2 weeks dry and thats not even cured :( lmao


Active Member
wanna get my 600w out for the second time ready for some xmas smoke. been looking at seeds. not sure what to do. its coming round quick. prob do one month veg. 5 to 9 plants. thinking of doing nirvanas ak48 cos its fast flowering.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Christ food is getting expensive these days. 93p for a pepper, £1.13 for an aubergine, 75p for a bloody potato. Bought a pair of lamb leg steaks, £8.50! :o


Well-Known Member
check out my journal guys , iv stuck new pics up of my exodus cheese ... really need advice , do i flush or give more nutes ...