The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Latch and padlock it is guys. I just going to say my m8 is staying with me and he works offshore. He put a lock on his room coz he respects his and others privacy. Either that or I kill her and bury her under the patio Del style


RIU Bulldog
Right I don't really know what to do here. Any advice would be great. The landlord says she is coming round for a visit tomorrow coz the guy next door has been complaining about the weeds(lol) in the back garden. I phoned her and said I would take a half day tomorrow and do it. She said fine but she wants to come round for an inspection. Now she can't go in the spare room or Im off to jail. Any ideas??? I might be worring bout nothing coz she might not een go upstairs. Anybody had any experience with this. I thought they had to give u notice for an inspection???
It sounds like the landlord got a tip that you're growing man. I don't buy the whole weeds in the garden thing especially if you offered to take care of the problem. It's sounds to me like she's already suspicious.
Man, I'm sorry but you're fucked.
I don't know what the laws are like in the UK, but unless otherwise stated, the land lord has full access to any room in the property she rents you. And if she's already suspicious, it's likely that she'll want to see every major room of the house, and maybe even the closets.
Your situation is shitty, but no amount of weed is worth going to jail, and even worse, getting that shit on your record for the rest of your life. If you try to keep her out, she'll probably just come back with the police and an eviction notice. Your only choice is to tear down and try again later.
Sorry bro.

In the future, you have to keep the appearance that you're just a regular, tax-paying, voting citizen. Pay your bills on time, keep your car clean and maintained, keep your house well kept and clean (outside at least) etc... You don't want to draw any attention to yourself.


Well-Known Member
I do pay everything on time. She told me the guy next door is complaining about the weeds in the back garden. M8 I run my own business, work 6 days a week, own my own house, employ 16 staff and work 14hrs a day. I dont have time to fucking weed a back garden. Oh I forgot I look after another 3 gardens. She aint getting in that room and thats that. Hopefully she just wants to inspect the garden coz of the complaints

PS - tear down and stary again. This isn't a 10 plant setup m8

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Billy mate, if she is the legal landlord and has given you the correct notice, and you refuse her entry to the spare room, as Beansly states she will simply get the police involved, and you'll be just as fucked. You might not want to face the fact but if she wants to see it, then you're fucked whatever you try. Hopefully she just wants a nose around and nowt else, but if you refuse entry to the room, she will be back with an authority you cannot refuse so either way you'd end up having to ditch the plants or face jail. And people wonder why i don't want to grow 200 odd plants :lol:

And i would not want to be risking losing a house i bought because i didn't want to play it safe, if you've the money to buy yaself another house then by all means, but you can bet ya last penny if it's that big a grow the police will more than likely repossess most of your stuff under the guise of bought through criminal earnings, your legitimate business be damned.

I guess the phrase is you made ya bed now lie in it.

One question though. What are you doing with a landlord if you own the house?


Well-Known Member
Im proberly just flapping over nothing. Ill give her the silver tongue. I doubt she will even go upstairs. Downstairs is spotless. She def does not know there is a grow going on. If she does want in the room and threatens police, Im just going to have to tell her and offer her a grand or something. There is only a few weeks left.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Im proberly just flapping over nothing. Ill give her the silver tongue. I doubt she will even go upstairs. Downstairs is spotless. She def does not know there is a grow going on. If she does want in the room and threatens police, Im just going to have to tell her and offer her a grand or something. There is only a few weeks left.
I know scotlands a dodgy area, but i know of many stories from the news and from first hand of landlords who've had tenants growing pot try and pay for their silence for them to think fuck that i'm not going to be accomplice to a grow operation and gone straight to the police.

Not sure if you saw the bit above, i edited as you psoted, but if you own the house why do you have a landlord?


Well-Known Member
could any of you guys in scotland check out my greenhouse journal and tell me how its looking? still hasn't started flowering and im worried about it not being ready before the frost starts.


Well-Known Member
The house is rented for the exact reasons you stated(proceeds of crime) Sae I would love to put it in the loft but no chance. Im going to put a lock on the door. Give her some sweet talk. Show her the back door with all the weeds done, if she wants to go upstairs, explain my m8 is using this room for storage until he gets a new place. If she wants in, Ill say Ill give him a phone. Kid on Im on the phone and say he will be over tomorrow. Then I will chop an get rid. Fingers crossed it doesn't come to that. Fucking hate drama'

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
All i can is i hope she's a nice person because if not she won't give two shits if your mates using it for storage, she has the legal power of entry to the room it doesn't matter what you say. And if your silver tongue and fake chat to your mate doesn't work and she still wants to see it and you say no, well chances are now she will suspect illegal activity and gets straight on the bell to the police. No disrespect but your actions are those of someone almost wanting to get busted.

As i say, i hope she's a nice lady, maybe screw her brains out on the sofa and she'll forget all about inspecting the spare room :D


Well-Known Member
Good luck billy hope it works out for you man, few of my mates rent houses and they say most of the time with an inspection they just come in have a little look down stairs and if the house looks clean and that and theres not dodgy they just go, try and get her sat down with a brew do the sweet talkin like you said then she should go mate once looked at garden or i could come up charm the pants off her and fuck her in the livin room then show her the door lol


Well-Known Member
TTT why the fuck woud I want to get busted?????(you aint even got a carbon Anyway just spoke to my copper m8, there is fuck all she can do. She would have to go to court to get an eviction notice. He says the police would not get involved in this civil matter unless instructed by the court, which can take up to a month to be granted and Ill be long gone. Cheers for the kind words Pukka, yer prob right