the truth behind girl scout cookies

GSC is a really unstable cross. Just look at all the available GSC crosses! Animal Cookies, Fortune Cookies, Platinum Cookies, Golden Cookies, Viper Cookies, Sunset Sherbet, ... . They are all pretty unstabe. Creating a stable cross out of Cookies is no joke!

I know all about GSC bro. I've done so much research on this stuff it's not even funny. I'm one of the main people who talks about GSC on this forum besides a few other people. I know all about it trust me and you have to use common sense bro look what I posted. They cookie can say they created GSC ok that means they used a "special female OG x male F1Durban" why would is it so unstable??? If they are good breeders why are they breeding with males that produce hermie unstable phenos???? It's because they didn't :lol: think they story @greenghost420 posted it came from a hermie pollination. That sounds more reasonable why GSC is so unstable. It's all common sense fareal they would be selling their own seeds of it if they made it plain and simple. I don't care how unstable it is if you bred it you shouldn't have to team up with someone to make it right. Believe what you want bro but I won't believe that story they put out.
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Exactly! The nanners story is one of the main reasons for instability of GSC IMO. Even Berner admitted one time that the original batch of Thin Mint had many seeds from "accidental pollination"!
Exactly! The nanners story is one of the main reasons for instability of GSC IMO. Even Berner admitted one time that the original batch of Thin Mint had many seeds from "accidental pollination"!

No they say they created it I saw the video it's still on YouTube. Says Cherry Pie is GDP x F1Durban. No :lol: bro I'm telling you use common sense. I won't be saying anything else about it bro believe what you want but you are so blind lol.
What you expect from Berner?! They always say that! But they're just bunch of jackasses playing with plants! That Jigga himself looks like a hermie motherfucker! They don't have knowledge and don't know anything about breeding. That's why they send pollens and clones here and there!

So you can't try to run me a story they say about. If you know they aren't breeders and all that why believe they created it? Why would anybody want to bred with their pollen they haven't even out anything out no seeds none only this great clones lol it's a joke bro THINK
I tip my hat to you for putting the truth out there and not allow others to take credit for something they did not creat.
Honestly . If I had the actual fact ,I'd let every breeder and farmer know on IG who the real creator of girl scout cookies is. It takes time , effort and passion into isolating keeper genetics. To do the work and someone else come along and claim they are the breeders I'd be mad. To me cookies is over rated anyways. But to each is own.
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