the truth behind girl scout cookies

I pray that the industry backtracks and begins to realize with legality comes control and not everyone for legality and control is doing so to favor you, they are doing it to line pockets and gain entry into either the 1% or upper echelon, so when you see commercialized marijuana sitting right next to those prescriptions we loathe remember we had and RIGHT NOW still have a chance/choice to change this industry.

You seem to be touting the benefits of science-based cannabis breeding, and make some reference to the loss of genetic diversity, but end on... industry should recognize the harm of commercialized cannabis? The work put into mold and pest resistant cultivars... who pays for that and who benefits from the research? While they sound good to a homegrower, the traits you were modifying for are traits that largely benefit "Big Ag" monocropping, and their end goal is profit.