Which i guess are the majority, lol
"Liberty makes strange bedfellows"
The "racist newsletter" dead horse, has been debunked and been beaten into a bloody pulp into the dirt a looong time ago.
When one has no intellectual recourse against a 25+ year record of fidelity to the oath he swore to uphold and defend the Constitution, (the supreme law of the land) and a record of having integrity, consistency, and honesty, they try to play the "race card".
Ron Paul has received more donations from the military than ALL of the other "R's" COMBINED. Even MORE than Ohmamma, who has turned out to be more of the same old slick talking BS artists. He also got the most in 2008. Even more than McStain.
If his foreign policy is so "crazy" then why such vast military support. You'd think they'd be scared that he'd put them out of a job. They know who has their best interests at heart. Not the bomb and fighter plane manufacturers, but the boots on the ground troops. The RECORD amount of suicides in the military should be testament enough to these insane, immoral, illegal wars of aggression.
The choice is simple. Follow the money. Look at the big donors to some of these media darlings, and you will see the connections between the military industrial complex, the banking cartels, and the foreign and special interest lobbies.
Ron Paul HAS NEVER sold out to special interests. That's why they try to demonize him. The media is not your friend. They have been the lapdog for the Govt. and corporations for at least a century. By 1926, 3 families owned all of the major newspapers in the US.
Information is very powerful. CONTROL of information to "manage perception" is even MORE powerful.
Don't get fooled again America. Ron Paul is the last chance to get it right, before this country collapses into chaos, which is what the elite globalist societal engineers want to happen.
Moneybomb starts at midnight tonight. ronpaul2012DOTcom