The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

2012 The Revolution Continues

Message for Ron Paul Supporters only, Please disregard otherwise

Ron Paul Twitter Bomb during the debates

On June 13th, the next Republican debate, we will tweet #WhoIsRonPaul and get it trending on twitter so we can get people to google him and learn about his policies. Feel free to invite fellow Dr.Paul supporters to this event!
Another New Video from today:

Ron Paul Reaches Out to Portsmouth Voters

Reporter "It seems everyone is supporting ron paul, we haven't been able to find anyone that isn't supporting you in New Hampsire, do you think there might be people out there looking at the other canidates" one of ron pauls comments on this:

Ron Paul "Its not unreasonable to think that people might be looking at other candidates " - LOL



Ask yourself how can a man who has been in the public life for so long have no real sane tangible enemies if he were corrupt or dishonest or racist or extreme or crazy.
One Love - and thats humanity baby - heal with herb - raise your wages - free the people - stop the drug war - bring the troops home RON Paul 2012 :)

New Sig :)
... raise your wages... RON Paul 2012 :)

you know why we say you worship ron paul like the messiah?

this comes to mind:


if ron paul is elected, you won't have to worry about putting gas in your tank, you won't have to worry about paying your mortgage.

cool :cool:
ron paul is going to defund or do away with all the government entities in place that are supposed to 'police' businesses. although these entities don't really 'police', they enforce the lax laws in place. they are law enforcement.

then paul's going to appoint a bunch of conservative idiots into positions of power so that their conservative agenda increases 'law enforcement'. they don't really enforce any laws, they just police our behavior.... lol... anyways....

so yeah, i don't want this guy anywhere near the white house....
ron paul is going to defund or do away with all the government entities in place that are supposed to 'police' businesses. although these entities don't really 'police', they enforce the lax laws in place. they are law enforcement.

then paul's going to appoint a bunch of conservative idiots into positions of power so that their conservative agenda increases 'law enforcement'. they don't really enforce any laws, they just police our behavior.... lol... anyways....

so yeah, i don't want this guy anywhere near the white house....

Dont think Ron Paul is going to appoint idiot conservatives lol - Ron Paul and idiot conservatives don't get a long very well if you haven't noticed, Police business to stop them from breaking laws do they? Sounds efficient... I bet they are great at their job lol How bout we give their jobs to the people, how bout the money is in our hands?

Also pretty sure Ron Paul is Liberty Incarnate so IDK how the police are going to enforce our behavior so well when the drug war ends.

Your Doomsday Scenario is hilarious, Really what does anything you just said even have to do with federal government.
damn im tempted to rep you on that one uncle buck but I cant bring myself to do it, hilarious video

do you realize that video was mocking you?

i voted for obama, and likely will again, because he is a viable candidate, who has had and will have some effect on the issues i care about: equality for all, including gays (repeal of dadt) and women (lily ledbetter). moving towards universal health care. improving infrastructure and advancing renewable energies. tax breaks for the middle class.

i am upset with the president for signing off on a couple of the provisions of the patriot act, continuing tax cuts for the wealthy, and so on.

but at least i was not like the woman in the video, like you seem to be for ron paul.

ron paul will raise my wage? cool story, bro.
do you realize that video was mocking you?

i voted for obama, and likely will again, because he is a viable candidate, who has had and will have some effect on the issues i care about: equality for all, including gays (repeal of dadt) and women (lily ledbetter). moving towards universal health care. improving infrastructure and advancing renewable energies. tax breaks for the middle class.

i am upset with the president for signing off on a couple of the provisions of the patriot act, continuing tax cuts for the wealthy, and so on.

but at least i was not like the woman in the video, like you seem to be for ron paul.

ron paul will raise my wage? cool story, bro.

Yea i agree, i just love berry sotaro, and his universal healthcare that only small ma and pa businesses would have to carry.
You know because all his wall street and big corporate business buddies get waivers 1,040 in all as of march 4th.
You know, because if it was so great, every business would want it, and not bribe him for waivers, yeah ah huh he is the man.
Lets continue to vote for the little guy to be pushed around and the big corporate interest to always be fulfilled.
Do you have gay relatives or something? you really care about things that are at the bottom of the list.
1,040/311,540,740 = 0.0000033825%

that means 99.9999966% did not get waivers.

but my wife can now get covered despite her pre existing condition, and several of my family members have been able to stay on their parents' coverage for longer, and my grandma got help affording her prescription drugs.

so excuse me if i don't give a shit about some 0.0000033825% of people who got temporary waivers, and care a little more about my wife, my grandma, and my family.
do you realize that video was mocking you?

i voted for obama, and likely will again, because he is a viable candidate, who has had and will have some effect on the issues i care about: equality for all, including gays (repeal of dadt) and women (lily ledbetter). moving towards universal health care. improving infrastructure and advancing renewable energies. tax breaks for the middle class.

i am upset with the president for signing off on a couple of the provisions of the patriot act, continuing tax cuts for the wealthy, and so on.

but at least i was not like the woman in the video, like you seem to be for ron paul.

ron paul will raise my wage? cool story, bro.
of course I realize this, the women is a retard she pulled that out of thin air, Ron Paul's ideas do raise peoples wages, hes already raising peoples standard of living tyvm.Cutting taxes etc would effectively raise wages BRO, Ron Paul puts more money and power in the hands of the people, Cool STORY BRO...
New Video -
Ron Paul speaks at the Home of Ovide Lamontagne


What do you know - he talks about being called Dr. NO - because he votes NO on so much legislation, legislation that violates the constitution and taxes the american people.
New Promo Videos

amazingly accurate predictions of Dr Ron Paul

Obama voters for Ron Paul

I did a little research, and found out that the last Republican president without military experience left office in 1933 (Herbert Hoover). Since then, the Republican Party has only chosen one person as their nominee who hadn't served in the military. That was Thomas Dewey, who was the nominee in 1944, and 1948.

This election, Ron Paul is the only person running who served in the military. If history is any indication, Ron Paul pretty much has no choice, but to win!
According to the new Gallop poll #'s

25% of republicans do not even know who Ron Paul is - Tomorrow in the debates Ron Paul will take names and emerge a New Ron Paul - do not miss this he is going to need to put on quite a show.

I am to busy to be anyone's servant lol I have two secretaries of my own - maybe if he wanted some Linux servers built or some weed grown I would do it for cheap haha

or internet forum threads id do that for free...wait...

You don't seem too busy to me...I think you would make a great servant of Ron Pauls...seems like you already there
Hey on a side note and business look... what is your cost for a Linux Enterprise with support plus Oracle ( yearly)..???