The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


King Tut
Dr. Ron Paul on "Meet the Press".



New Member
Ron Paul won ANOTHER straw paul....OVERWHELMINGLY again ohio....of course you won't hear about this on the main stream media except in 30 second segment where they urge you to go get a snack beforehand:

Paul wins OHIO with 53% of the vote, only reported on local news:


The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
There is no comparing nikola tesla to ron paul...that's just a damn insult to tesla.

Tesla had a demonstrable crazy high intellect. Ron Paul is no where near that of Tesla. Totally incomparable.


King Tut
There is no comparing nikola tesla to ron paul...that's just a damn insult to tesla.

Tesla had a demonstrable crazy high intellect. Ron Paul is no where near that of Tesla. Totally incomparable.
i think the comparison was basically a man whose ideas are before their time.

Well, in Paul's case, going back to what worked.


Well-Known Member
There is no comparing nikola tesla to ron paul...that's just a damn insult to tesla.

Tesla had a demonstrable crazy high intellect. Ron Paul is no where near that of Tesla. Totally incomparable.
What are you talking about? It wasn't his intellect that made people say he was crazy... it was Edison's constant defamation as well as his weird personal habits such as how he hated women's perfume and preferred to avoid women all together, as well as being obsessive compulsive.

You would only consider it an insult if you were against Ron Paul in the first place. Besides, it was a metaphor. If you'd like I can use the words "like" or "as" and make it a simile? Would that make you feel better?


Active Member
By definition a bigot would be somebody who is intolerant of other ideas... Just so you know. ;)
Kind of like Ron "the bigot" Paul supporters who don't tolerate people who don't support RP? Is that what you mean? Frankly, I don't care, tell nor even suggest who other people vote for and *everyone* is entitled to their opinions but their opinions can certainly prove that they are bigots as is the case with RP.

Surely, you're not suggesting that.....let's say...rejecting the ideology of "the klan" makes people "anti-klan bigots," right? Rejection of intolerance (bigotry) is not the same thing, unless that person is just trying to argue semantics or feeling guilty, of course.

Hope that helps...