The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
Obama has the lowest approval rating out of any president at this point...
Gallup has been polling Presidential approval since FDR. In the 71 years since this poll started Obama has the lowest approval at this point and in most cases he is ten or more points lower that every President all the way back to Truman.
key words: at this point

i guarantee you that dubya did not have an 86% approval rating AT THIS POINT into his term. maybe shortly after 9/11, but it faded quickly.

you are being dishonest, thus rendering your graph meaningless.


New Member

At least until Ron Paul wins the nomination

Anyway who wants to talk about some corporate puppet when we can talk about humanitarian issues, liberty, and TRUTH!


New Member
Fox Focus Group, Ron Paul never mentioned, they all said mitt won:

They interview a bunch of people that don't follow politics, ace plan:
"....Mitts a stupid name I thought at first but last night he did good..."

Karl rove was interview on fox about the debates, not even going to post that, ofcourse no mention of Ron Paul.

Gop Debate: Who scored the most points , who missed opportunities - Ron Paul again not mentioned


Well-Known Member
key words: at this point

i guarantee you that dubya did not have an 86% approval rating AT THIS POINT into his term. maybe shortly after 9/11, but it faded quickly.

you are being dishonest, thus rendering your graph meaningless.
Yeah you would like to ignore facts wouldn't ya.
Also you're right! "at this point" are key words because his ratings plummet weekly.:dunce:
So thank you for validating the point.


New Member
Another Fox show about the debates, this time from the allged 'tea party' perspective (ya right)


Oh yeah, no mention of Ron Paul on the alleged tea party video, hes only the father of the tea party. Got a feeling they probably cut out Ron Paul from the poll.

On the episode they talk to a man who seems to be slightly intoxicated..


Well-Known Member
Yeah you would like to ignore facts wouldn't ya.
thank you for FAILING to admit that you were DEAD WRONG.

14 months before the 2004 election, W had an approval rating nowhere near 86%.

your meaningless chart is a lie, thanks for not being man enough to admit it. reflects poorly on your honesty.


Well-Known Member
thank you for FAILING to admit that you were DEAD WRONG.

14 months before the 2004 election, W had an approval rating nowhere near 86%.

your meaningless chart is a lie, thanks for not being man enough to admit it. reflects poorly on your honesty.
Obama has a sweet spot and its the high 30 percentile, continuously dropping, i can care less about bush; but yes its fact that Obama is consistently lower than any other previous POTUS since the poll began 71 years ago. That's all there is to it, wanna cry now that you realize over half the nation not approve of your incompetent retard lord?, awwwwwww.:cry:


Active Member
If polatitions would stop the spin they might say something correct Like John 16:3 was exactly correct. Comparing numbers Poloski would have made a point and been correct if she had just stated apples and apples. Now goes down as twisting the truth even if it was 'technicaly correct.


New Member
bush did have high approval rating around sept 11th, immediately after being elected 85% sounds like a lot but I know it was high..


Well-Known Member
Obama has a sweet spot and its the high 30 percentile, continuously dropping, i can care less about bush; but yes its fact that Obama is consistently lower than any other previous POTUS since the poll began 71 years ago. That's all there is to it, wanna cry now that you realize over half the nation not approve of your incompetent retard lord?, awwwwwww.:cry:
you don't care that i have proven you to be a master bullshit artist with false numbers who likes to tell lies?

i can care less about how many people approve of obama, if you want to judge by what people think we can talk about how ron paul garnered a mere 0.0032% of the vote last election (some revolution).

my main point was that YOU ARE LYING.

good job at destroying your credibility, and better yet, failing to man up to your lies.


New Member

At least until Ron Paul wins the nomination

Anyway who wants to talk about some corporate puppet when we can talk about humanitarian issues, liberty, and TRUTH!
Whether he wants it or not
Ron Paul is the Biggest Corporate Puppet on the face of this earth
My God man do you ever listen to your self or even know Ron pauls Positions on states rights the federal goverment and he free market?
Ron Paul basically gives the keys to the Corporations and Expects the "free market" to regulate them

YOu should be able to figure out how that will work out for us


Well-Known Member
you don't care that i have proven you to be a master bullshit artist with false numbers who likes to tell lies?

i can care less about how many people approve of obama, if you want to judge by what people think we can talk about how ron paul garnered a mere 0.0032% of the vote last election (some revolution).

my main point was that YOU ARE LYING.

good job at destroying your credibility, and better yet, failing to man up to your lies.


Well-Known Member
to be fair, every white person i know looks a lot like that :razz:

not really. thank goodness.
Black people don't look like the Obama picture that was posted either. Why is one racist and the other not? If you were making fun of a redneck, you would make their mullet bigger and give them a cut off jean shirt and a huge belt buckle and then portray them to be stupid. Why would making a black persons lips or nose bigger and giving them say a giant Mercedes emblem as a necklace and their pants hanging down around their knees be any different in practice?


Well-Known Member
Its no longer epic fail there is a whole new word called


That chart isn't very accurate. We haven't had a surplus since 1957.

Here are two different views of our total debt.


Cut a lot of people out there in the middle, but no one ever suggests they balanced the budget in those years.

The 'balanced' budget thing gets its roots from the nearly illegal way they account for the money. There hasn't been anyone who balanced the budget since the 50s.


Well-Known Member
key words: at this point

i guarantee you that dubya did not have an 86% approval rating AT THIS POINT into his term. maybe shortly after 9/11, but it faded quickly.

you are being dishonest, thus rendering your graph meaningless.
All graphs border on meaningless. Bush still had 55-60% approval at this point in his first term. Which would of been more than a year after 9/11. Obama isn't very many % from Bush's at this time in his 2nd term. That is a really horrible.