I knew he won, im not a prophet, no, but rather a good observer, ^^^^^^Just watched the debate in Florida, of course barely any time went to ron, but he certainly answered all his questions the most logically, mitt romny, and rick perry will beat each other out of the race, just watch, and like ron paul said tonight he wont mention who he would choose as VP because he is in the top 3 nationally and dont want to hurt anything, so Ron Paul knows he is close, he will be the one debating a president, a president with all time low approval rating, more so than out of any other president for a generation. Rick perry had his ass booed to death floridans do not like him, ron paul clearly won this florida debate had the loudest cheers and applause, Ron Paul is the only candidate left.
Ron Paul 2012! He will be president 2012.
How fucking pathetic.This just in! Yahoo news! Headline: "ROMNEY TOOK SECOND IN POLLS FOLLOWED BY PERRY"
Wonder who got first? jesus christ are you kidding me?!?!?!? the media black out is still on for Ron Paul! Don't think they are going to let up anytime soon! Ughhhh
bwahahaha ok buddy.Romney wins the nomination...sorry folks, it's just going to happen.
Perry wins the nominationRomney wins the nomination...sorry folks, it's just going to happen.
are you high or just incredibly stupid? perry third romney 2nd Ron Paul 1st! that is the result buddy, man you libs live in fairy tale land.Perry wins the nomination
Have to remember Romney is a Mormon
Aint gonna vote for a Mormon
want to bet on that?are you high or just incredibly stupid? perry third romney 2nd Ron Paul 1st! that is the result buddy, man you libs live in fairy tale land.