The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
I think a Palin endorsement would likely worsen someones chances.
exactly. So I've started watching the live CNN stream, place is still mostly empty but I'm experiencing some apprehension on this poll. Now, I know RP will be a top three finish but it's looking like a battle for 1st between him and Bachmann *cough* idiot * cough*

Ummm, the guy came on an announced Bachmann as the winner and when they showed the numbers they didn't show Bachmann or Paul's numbers... wtf?

EDIT: So I found some numbers from USA today.

1. Bachmann - 4,823 - 28.6%
2. Paul - 4,671 - 27.7%
3. Pawlenty - 2,293 - 13.6%

A close battle for Bachmann and Paul, with barely more than 150 votes more than Paul I would say that's a good result.


New Member
well somehow bachman won(mind boggling) and Ron Paul took second, historically the 1st or 2nd place has always won the nomination so still a good sign....

I don't see any bachman supporters so not sure where they really came from?


L.A. Times wrote
Inside the arena, Bachmann arrived to the Elvis Presley song “A Little Less Conversation.” The Minnesota congresswoman spoke at length about her roots in Iowa; she was born in Waterloo.

She urged undeclared attendees to come with her to vote in the poll. “I’m asking for your vote to be the next president of the United States and take your voice to the White House," she said.

But while Bachmann received a raucous ovation, it was nothing like the wave of adoration that greeted Ron Paul, the Texas libertarian. Paul’s supporters, clad in red T-shirts that read “I Voted Ron Paul’ seemed to be everywhere—and they roared as he called for an end to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, a return to the gold standard, and railed against the “big banks, big corporations.”

“It’s time to restore freedom to America,” Paul said.


Well-Known Member
well somehow bachman one and Ron Paul took second, historically the 1st or 2nd place has always won the nomination so still a good sign....

I don't see any bachman supporters so not sure where they really came from?

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I already posted this above. She was born and raised in Iowa. She is also a Senator from Minnesota. Her whole support base rests in Iowa.


New Member
In Iowa If you want to vote in the straw poll you need to pay a 30 dollar fee
It is also allowed for candidates to pay the fee and give out vote tickets

The Paul Campaign and the Bachmann campaign were shelling out thousands buying votes yesterday
google it. Its on pretty much any news site


Well-Known Member
Well at least Fox news actually gave credit to Ron Paul. Remember last time when they didn't even speak his name?

Notice that Rand never attacks Bachmann, but instead only compliments her?


New Member

"Santorum broke the golden rule by not pretending Ron Paul is invisible."

Headline: "Michelle bachman wins poll, Palewnty takesthird" (lol)


King Tut
In Iowa If you want to vote in the straw poll you need to pay a 30 dollar fee
It is also allowed for candidates to pay the fee and give out vote tickets

The Paul Campaign and the Bachmann campaign were shelling out thousands buying votes yesterday
google it. Its on pretty much any news site
i've read twice now that RP SOLD tickets while Bachmann gave them away.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Well at least Fox news actually gave credit to Ron Paul. Remember last time when they didn't even speak his name?

Notice that Rand never attacks Bachmann, but instead only compliments her?
Over the years, Fox has been more than fair to RP. He's gotten lots of coverage and has been a guest on several programs and was always treated with respect. We sure can't say the same for the Main-Slime media.