The Trade war between the US and Communist China

naa, the yanks still pull the strings like they have for a long while.
You've been evangelized by the vast CCP propaganda machine within Australia. On the one hand, you say "the Yanks pull the strings as they always have" which means you admit that Australia is heavily influenced by outside forces, yet in the very next post, you say that China is Australia's number one trading partner. It's fine if you just have a hate-boner for the US but your pro-China bias is showing. Get objective fast pls.
a. On the one hand, you say "the Yanks pull the strings as they always have" which means you admit that Australia is heavily influenced by outside forces, yet in the very next post, you say that China is Australia's number one trading partner. Is.
Facts are facts....
“When Hamilton, a professor at Charles Sturt University, first tried to publish his new book, Silent Invasion: China's Influence in Australia, the fear of China's Communist Party crept in, he says. Hamilton's original publisher, Allen and Unwin, informed him last November that it was canceling the book's publication because it feared legal action from what it called "Beijing's agents of influence."

"I was shocked," remembers Hamilton. "I felt betrayed. We knew this was a difficult subject. We knew that Beijing has some powerful friends in Australia. We knew that the Chinese government would be highly critical of the book and of me. Of course, it was great comfort to have a really good, solid publisher behind me, and all of a sudden I was left out there on the battlefield, looking over my shoulder, saying, 'Where is my support?' "

Nobody and no country invests as heavily as China has and then sits by silently. Nobody pays without getting to play. The Chinese have learned this capitalism crap first rate.
“When Hamilton, a professor at Charles Sturt University, first tried to publish his new book, Silent Invasion: China's Influence in Australia, the fear of China's Communist Party crept in, he says. Hamilton's original publisher, Allen and Unwin, informed him last November that it was canceling the book's publication because it feared legal action from what it called "Beijing's agents of influence."

"I was shocked," remembers Hamilton. "I felt betrayed. We knew this was a difficult subject. We knew that Beijing has some powerful friends in Australia. We knew that the Chinese government would be highly critical of the book and of me. Of course, it was great comfort to have a really good, solid publisher behind me, and all of a sudden I was left out there on the battlefield, looking over my shoulder, saying, 'Where is my support?' "

Nobody and no country invests as heavily as China has and then sits by silently. Nobody pays without getting to play. The Chinese have learned this capitalism crap first rate.
Not sure on the site NPR (its a new one to me) but no one is denying China wants and has influence here but they don't have anywhere near the influence that the US has. Not even close.
Where China has been pushing its influence is in placers that Australia and the US started to forget about. South Pacific islands like Fiji etc. These islands need money and infrastructure and China is supplying that.
“Asked which side Australia would take if forced to choose between Washington or Beijing in the trade dispute, Gillard replied: “We never want to be and will never put ourselves in that position.”

“We are an ally of the United States of very long-standing. We are in a strong relationship with China in every sense — of course, in economic relationship, political and diplomatic relationship, people-to-people ties, education, the list goes on,” she told CNBC’s Nancy Hungerford on Friday.”
“Asked which side Australia would take if forced to choose between Washington or Beijing in the trade dispute, Gillard replied: “We never want to be and will never put ourselves in that position.”

“We are an ally of the United States of very long-standing. We are in a strong relationship with China in every sense — of course, in economic relationship, political and diplomatic relationship, people-to-people ties, education, the list goes on,” she told CNBC’s Nancy Hungerford on Friday.”
Gillard has no power, she is not in Parliament anymore. But what she said is what all Prime Ministers say. Its how it is.

Americans get all up in arms at some country all the time. At the moment its Iran and China, not long ago it was Syria, Iraq and Korea, not long before that it was Russia. …...
Keeps the pawns from thinking about whats going on in Washington and at home.
Not sure on the site NPR (its a new one to me) but no one is denying China wants and has influence here but they don't have anywhere near the influence that the US has. Not even close.
Where China has been pushing its influence is in placers that Australia and the US started to forget about. South Pacific islands like Fiji etc. These islands need money and infrastructure and China is supplying that.
NPR has the most balanced news and sources in the States. Accused of presenting with a liberal bias but you hear as many Republicans and even hardline conservatives if they want to go on. Interviews aren’t traps but they are not staged to give anyone a stage. Democrats and etc included. If Fox tried half as much they wouldn’t be the dangerous joke they are.
Gillard has no power, she is not in Parliament anymore. But what she said is what all Prime Ministers say. Its how it is.

Americans get all up in arms at some country all the time. At the moment its Iran and China, not long ago it was Syria, Iraq and Korea, not long before that it was Russia. …...
That’s why the elected officials never met s foreign war they couldn’t get behind. Biggest bully country in history of the world. Now along come “celestials” and damn it they’re making serious money. Money that of course belongs to America.
Not sure on the site NPR (its a new one to me) but no one is denying China wants and has influence here but they don't have anywhere near the influence that the US has. Not even close.
Where China has been pushing its influence is in placers that Australia and the US started to forget about. South Pacific islands like Fiji etc. These islands need money and infrastructure and China is supplying that.

Exports by nation:
  • China: US$74 billion (29.2% of total Australian exports)
  • Japan: $26.2 billion (10.3%)
  • South Korea: $13.6 billion (5.4%)
  • India: $10.1 billion (4%)
  • United States: $9.2 billion (3.6%)
  • Hong Kong: $7.9 billion (3.1%)
  • New Zealand: $7.1 billion (2.8%)
  • Taiwan: $6.7 billion (2.6%)
Didn't somebody say something about money talks? The US's voice in Australia is one-third that of China.

When you say the US has more influence than China does, what do you mean by that?
Exports by nation:
  • China: US$74 billion (29.2% of total Australian exports)
  • Japan: $26.2 billion (10.3%)
  • South Korea: $13.6 billion (5.4%)
  • India: $10.1 billion (4%)
  • United States: $9.2 billion (3.6%)
  • Hong Kong: $7.9 billion (3.1%)
  • New Zealand: $7.1 billion (2.8%)
  • Taiwan: $6.7 billion (2.6%)
Didn't somebody say something about money talks? The US's voice in Australia is one-third that of China.

When you say the US has more influence than China does, what do you mean by that?
The big one. Military bases. China has 0.
The next big one. History. We back you in every conflict.

Even our culture is more Americanised. Pop culture to food to music to movies, etc.
Even has the same media Mogul pulling the strings.
Exports by nation:
  • China: US$74 billion (29.2% of total Australian exports)
  • Japan: $26.2 billion (10.3%)
  • South Korea: $13.6 billion (5.4%)
  • India: $10.1 billion (4%)
  • United States: $9.2 billion (3.6%)
  • Hong Kong: $7.9 billion (3.1%)
  • New Zealand: $7.1 billion (2.8%)
  • Taiwan: $6.7 billion (2.6%)
Didn't somebody say something about money talks? The US's voice in Australia is one-third that of China.

When you say the US has more influence than China does, what do you mean by that?
Good Graph by the way.
Notice how our trade with you is so low but we escaped the steel tariff America put on lots of countries not long ago. That was always going to be the case because of our alliance.
And your opinions are uninformed by them. In fact I'd wager your opinions are informed by the likes of RT, Xinhua and CGTN by the tone of your white-prog pseudosocialism.
Look , instead of insulting me for some unknown reason perhaps lets just chat eh? We may have a difference in politics and beliefs and that's OK. Its called discussion. For the record I'm a centre left Labor party supporter. (my Aboriginal step mother ran for a Labor seat not that long ago, wrote a book to that I seem to remember referring you awhile back). A Social Democrat. Im sure that makes me a Communist though in your eyes..
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Look , instead of insulting me for some unknown reason perhaps lets just chat eh? We may have a difference in politics and beliefs and that's OK. Its called discussion. For the record I'm a centre left Labor party supporter. (my Aboriginal step mother ran for a Labor seat not that long ago, wrote a book to that I seem to remember referring you awhile back) a Social Democrat. Im sure that makes me a Communist though in your eyes..
As I said, white-prog. Like a bernie supporter. You don't have to like my description and I don't have to like your synthetic leftism. Your 1/16th aboriginal step mother clearly isn't the target of my ire and neither are you. Your ideology is. It's informed by propaganda.

China and Australia are just as colonial and imperialistic as the US.
Not sure on the site NPR (its a new one to me) but no one is denying China wants and has influence here
You kind of did. You clearly deny that China directly influences Australian politicians and took direct issue with the assertion that the CCP has more influence over Australian politics than Australian political parties do. I know why now that you have revealed your ideological leanings. You too are influenced by CCP propaganda.
China wants and has influence here but they don't have anywhere near the influence that the US has. Not even close.
Completely erroneous. The United States doesn't directly interfere with Australian elections. They don't directly deal with individual Australian politicians in an inappropriate personal manner to manipulate them. The US government doesn't pressure Australian publications that are critical of the US government. FFS, Australia had to make a law about foreign interference with its elections because of the recent and pervasive meddling by the CCP.

We aren't talking about Fiji or any other sovereign countries that the CCP actively infiltrates. Australia has stood with the United States because Australia has been a US ally, out in the open and transparently for so long. We share culture because both the US and Australia are culturally similar as former British commonwealth, not because the Australian government has been infiltrated by shadowy US forces trying to influence and direct Australian politics.
Exports by nation:
  • China: US$74 billion (29.2% of total Australian exports)
  • Japan: $26.2 billion (10.3%)
  • South Korea: $13.6 billion (5.4%)
  • India: $10.1 billion (4%)
  • United States: $9.2 billion (3.6%)
  • Hong Kong: $7.9 billion (3.1%)
  • New Zealand: $7.1 billion (2.8%)
  • Taiwan: $6.7 billion (2.6%)
Didn't somebody say something about money talks? The US's voice in Australia is one-third that of China.

When you say the US has more influence than China does, what do you mean by that?
Hong Kong is China now.
Of cause China exerts political pressure on us, as we do on them, as you do to us and as we do to you. But its not more pressure than America puts on us and has done for a very long time. It wont change the fact that you have bases on our soil, they do not. Turn the TV on and its American TV.
Australia has a good working relationship with China, has done for a very long time. Their tourism dollar to us is staggering and its also a popular destination for us to.

A little dated but
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