The Trade war between the US and Communist China

Ffs such an interesting thread until rob Roy Moore and shittypimp turned up. Re taco, he claims to teach law which would make him at least post grad or post doc yet he confuses affect and effect and uses the logical fallacy of appeal to authority by quoting his highly educated “friends” (himself?) to win arguments that he starts when you rationally debate him. The first two should bow out from intelligently crafted threads such as this, Taco needs to raise his game and own his comments imo.
You already stated you wouldn't release prisoners who are immorally held in captivity today.

Are you saying you'd magically become Django if you were transported back in time 165 years and reverse course ?
Your questions and hypotheticals are stupid. Obviously you know nothing about how the prison system works. Yeah I met a few who were wrongfully convicted, but DNA ended up freeing them cause at the time they committed their crime, DNA techniques were not that advanced, so the Court of Appeals dealt with that. So get over you stupid ideas of opening the gates and letting Inmate just run out into the community. Most of those dudes should be in prison and some of them, quite honestly should be buried under the prison. So stop talking about things you know nothing about.
(China) and they are the primary trading partner of most of resource rich Africa. However, they have lost control of Australia (which they almost had consolidated) and New Zealand.
Lost control of Australia and New Zealand? Not sure what you mean by that statement. They have never had control.
Here's the question you will probably not answer...

If I offered a service but you wanted to be able decline my service or seek somebody else to provide a similar service, would you be okay with me forcing you to pay me money or I steal your house ?
Why would I not answer?

One can live on their own, or join a community, and hopefully benefit from each one's involvement to support and strengthen that community.
It seems that you have no interest in outside contacts/support or anything else pertaining to community involvement, like taxes which pay for the roads you drive on, I assume.
So, also when your house is burning down before it's foreclosed on for non-payment of Town taxes, you will simply say wait to the firemen, I want to get bid's on your cost to put out the fire

You already stated you wouldn't release prisoners who are immorally held in captivity today.

Are you saying you'd magically become Django if you were transported back in time 165 years and reverse course ?
How many Jews were murdered in the holocaust?
Ffs such an interesting thread until rob Roy Moore and shittypimp turned up. Re taco, he claims to teach law which would make him at least post grad or post doc yet he confuses affect and effect and uses the logical fallacy of appeal to authority by quoting his highly educated “friends” (himself?) to win arguments that he starts when you rationally debate him. The first two should bow out from intelligently crafted threads such as this, Taco needs to raise his game and own his comments imo.
Why anyone would take the time to make a good thread with researched posts worth reading and replying to is hard to figure out. I feel like I wasted my time. Such sophomoric content is definitive of the Trump/Brexit era.
Lost control of Australia and New Zealand? Not sure what you mean by that statement. They have never had control.
The Chinese Communist Party had control over a lot of Australia's political apparatus. It was a clumsy figure of speech but the MSS certainly had more power over Australia than any of Australia's political parties until recently when the Bogans figured out that they were being completely compromised. They were well on the way to installing a head of state.
China ain't no ME shithole.
They have the largest standing military in the World, and are very willing to use it.
But, the Chinese aren't going to have a military confrontation with the US, they will just slowly choke us economically.
Never underestimate the Chinese, they will fuck you long time and enjoy doing it.
Oh, did you hear that they are going to limit supplies of rare earth minerals as retaliation?
I'm telling ya, be nice to the Chinks, they really don't like being fucked with, and the American consumer and farmers are about to find out really soon
Actually, the American farmers of soy products know that already, because their largest market just went bye bye, and it will never come back again
But they love Trump.
I just hope they love bankruptcy as much.
The word "Chinks" is offensive. Please refrain from alienating ethnic Han. Dog eating communist seems like a good description. Aside from that, I can sort of respect your opinion on the trade war. Both sides certainly think that they can win this. The thing about tariffs is that China already doesn't import much from the US so they don't have much to impose tarrifs on. The other thing is that the US can cause trouble for China's petroleum supply. It is in the best interest of the both countries (and the world) to resume trade.
China will be happy to import fossil fuels from both Russia and Iran, who will both be happy to sell.

Of course that puts a thumb the eye of the United States' economic sanctions against both countries. Trump is about to expose just how badly he can make America look.

About the only thing he could do to make things worse would be to impose a blockade on the shipping of such goods, which would lead to a rapid and very unpleasant escalation of hostilities.

America needs to quit while it's behind.

Malaysia to let Lynas continue running rare earth plant: Mahathir
TOKYO (REUTERS) - Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said on Thursday (May 30) that Malaysia will allow Australian rare earth producer Lynas Corp to keep operating a processing plant in the country.

The reason that global markets have favored Chinese rare earths over Australian is not supply, but cost. Chinese rare earths are sourced largely by Congolese slavery whereas Australian miners are unionized. Lynas is ready to increase refinement volume.

As for petroleum, Russian oil flows largely to western Europe, Germany in particular. developing the capacity to satisfy the Chinese market for petroleum would add a premium cost to Russian petroleum that would likely not equal the amount that the west would have to pay extra for rare earths sourced outside of Africa (China). The petroleum and rare earth phase of the trade war is looking like a stalemate.

It could go in China's favor if and when infrastructure is in place to import from Iran efficiently, but that capacity does not yet exist.
The Chinese Communist Party had control over a lot of Australia's political apparatus. It was a clumsy figure of speech but the MSS certainly had more power over Australia than any of Australia's political parties until recently when the Bogans figured out that they were being completely compromised. They were well on the way to installing a head of state.
naa, the yanks still pull the strings like they have for a long while.
China will be happy to import fossil fuels from both Russia and Iran, who will both be happy to sell.

Of course that puts a thumb the eye of the United States' economic sanctions against both countries. Trump is about to expose just how badly he can make America look.

About the only thing he could do to make things worse would be to impose a blockade on the shipping of such goods, which would lead to a rapid and very unpleasant escalation of hostilities.

America needs to quit while it's behind.
Australia sell China a shit load of coal and iron ore. Not as much as when their economy was on full steam ahead (pardon the pun..) but they are our number one trading partner.