The time when America stopped being great

and while you all constantly stay in the political distraction, here's the truth

More and more the disgusting swine wallow of DC proves to be a whorehouse serving the dregs of a 2nd species destroyer class, with useless show girl parasite political actors out in front of the brothel pretending to be worth more than two cents, while the real action goes on in back.

The entirety of the DC apparatus is nothing short of a giant extortion scheme boondoggle that rapes the American people only to benefit the 2nd species controlled predatory deep state Military/Intelligence networks, whose 'destruction-for-profit' agenda is always the order of the day.

If the useless political actors never existed, it would not make one iota difference as to the agenda of, or to disgusting predatory practices and daily activities of the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, or M.I.C. 2nd species destroyer class pigs.


CIA’s “Operation Gladio” with Paul Williams

so you can't do both. Unable of having feeling for others who have nothing to do with the bullshit you speak ? Do you not wish for peace for all ? or is it easier to just say "I hate Jews " and again is it all Jews ?

It looks like you and the crew cannot do both, you have no feelings for others who have nothing to do with the bullshit London speaks of. Its been 70 yrs now, and there are no hints that Israel is looking for peace, I'll bet you Israel will launch a war against the palestinians pretty soon since they just reconciled.

Its easier for you to just use the antisemitic card when ever you cannot provide a decent defense.
It looks like you and the crew cannot do both, you have no feelings for others who have nothing to do with the bullshit London speaks of. Its been 70 yrs now, and there are no hints that Israel is looking for peace, I'll bet you Israel will launch a war against the palestinians pretty soon since they just reconciled.

Its easier for you to just use the antisemitic card when ever you cannot provide a decent defense.
first tell me what is Semitic, then explain how I'm using the ANTIsemitic card ? I will wait and actually give you a respectable debate...until I deem you ignorant
It looks like you and the crew cannot do both, you have no feelings for others who have nothing to do with the bullshit London speaks of. Its been 70 yrs now, and there are no hints that Israel is looking for peace, I'll bet you Israel will launch a war against the palestinians pretty soon since they just reconciled.

Its easier for you to just use the antisemitic card when ever you cannot provide a decent defense.

What ethnicity are you shaming into disavowing you?
again what is Semitic and how I'm I playing the Antisemitic card. Use your words. You can do that can't you or all you can say is " I hate Jews"
you can look up who are semitic.

The terms "anti-Semite" or "antisemitism" came by a circuitous route to refer more narrowly to anyone who was hostile or discriminatory towards Jews in particular. (but not necessarily toward Palestinians or other semites.)

of course you're aware that you and UB keep saying that "I hate all jews", or "I hate Jews" whenever I speak of Zionism or Israel which is not true, and you know it.

Zionism includes all sorts of people from all over the world, all in favor for Israel.
you can look up who are semitic.

The terms "anti-Semite" or "antisemitism" came by a circuitous route to refer more narrowly to anyone who was hostile or discriminatory towards Jews in particular. (but not necessarily toward Palestinians or other semites.)

of course you're aware that you and UB keep saying that "I hate all jews", or "I hate Jews" whenever I speak of Zionism or Israel which is not true, and you know it.

Zionism includes all sorts of people from all over the world, all in favor for Israel.

Answer the question. What negative stereotype are you reinforcing on a daily basis?
you can look up who are semitic.

The terms "anti-Semite" or "antisemitism" came by a circuitous route to refer more narrowly to anyone who was hostile or discriminatory towards Jews in particular. (but not necessarily toward Palestinians or other semites.)

of course you're aware that you and UB keep saying that "I hate all jews", or "I hate Jews" whenever I speak of Zionism or Israel which is not true, and you know it.

Zionism includes all sorts of people from all over the world, all in favor for Israel.
I know nothing. I can't even get you to tell me what is a Semitic, but you are quick to call me Antisemitic which has me at a lost...or maybe you. Seems like you took a word without looking at the origins of both and made it what people told you to make it. Oh well English is funny as fuck like that. Their is a reason why I asked if you hate all Jews. The meaning of Semitic should tell you. Antisemitic makes no sense in its present term, but I'm also wise enough to know that Uncle Tom is actual a good thing if you read the book and knew its character. but anyway.
Anti- opposed to :against.
Semitic - Semite, person speaking one of a group of related languages, presumably derived from a common language, Semitic (see Semitic languages). The term came to include Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, some Ethiopians, and Aramaean tribes including Hebrews.

AntiSemtic would mean I'm against Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, some Ethiopians ( which ) and Hebrews. I gain the word is senseless in the term in which it is used. Again do you hate all Jews and if so which ones ? Do I need to give you the breakdown of the types/ethnics of Jews? or is it just the ones in Israel ? Wait what about the ones stateside ? Damn dude you have me confused with your hate. Let me start with another simple question. Do you believe all Jews are rich ?

Thank you for the effort and time .
My personal opinion is Semites are the descendants of Sam son of Noah.

80 persons control 50% of earths wealth.
Queen of England control 1/6 of earth.

Not all Jews are Rich, I know more than a couple who struggle with living like any other.

What I'm referring to are the Evil zionists who support the current state of Israel be it a jew, a christian or a moslem, or indian or russian or arab, or any one else.

you cannot say I hate All jews, I cared for my Jewish girl friend, I liked and respected BrewerT for his bravery and honesty, same thing goes for MMG, just to name a few ;)