The Three - Amazing Shits....


Well-Known Member
Yes.. we live in a World full of shit. Thank goodness, however for Worm, Bat & Bunny Shit. They are the three amazing shits that every grower needs in his/her arsenal. Worm Castings make the most gentle of starter fertilizers (.1 % N no P no K) Highly Soluble, full of trace minerals & mychorizzal fungi. Bunny Turds (NPK 2-1-.5) are great for veggie growing and cost less the Bat Guano. Plus since, most people who raise bunny rabbits feed them Alfalfa Pellets - you get a bonus - a natural growth stimulator called -Triacontanol. When the budget allows it, I use Bat Guano for both veggie & flowering - chosing the proper one for each. When I'm counting change - I like to save Bat Guano for flowering and only in a tea form. It's hard to beat. It contains microorganisms not found in any other manure - actually able to improve even toxic soil. Scientist & Chemist have tried to reproduce them in the lab and can't. God holds the ingredients list & patent on this - and he is not sharing. So, swear off all that chemically rendered sludge, petroleum waste & natural gas byproducts - known as fertilizer. Discover the Truth - Organic Grown Buds Have No Equal - Fat, Frosty & Smooth.....:blsmoke:
SuperSkunkXnl I like your Avatar - I guess you'd call that a coke & a smile....:)
Your welcome for the post. Glad you liked it.
I got some good guano on Ebay - cheap. You can find it under Organic Fertilizer or Bat Guano when you search.
Guano Rocks...Chemically rendered sludge, petroleum & natural gas - waste byproducts known as fertilizer - DO NOT..
Please don't smoke sludge.... Yuck.....
I got plenty of bunny shit, how should i use it?
Mix one cup per gallon of soil, prior to planting. You do not have to compost it prior to use, provided you don't over mix it into your soil.
If your plants are already growing, in a soil or a semi-soilless mix. Put one cup into a gallon of unchlorinated water - agitate. Let sit overnight, agitate again, let sit overnight again. Third day, water in - one quart of your bunny tea - per plant - no more. Wait four days, lightly water (plain water only). Repeat the cycle. Bunny Manure is a great source of NPK during veggie growth - averaging ( 2.4-1.5-.6 ).
To shore up the K, I really like Earth Juice "Meta K", it's all natural, and is rated at NPK of 0-0-10. I cut the dose to a quarter, so I end up with NPK 0-0-2.5, mixed with your bunny poop. You would end up with a NPK of 2.4-1.5-3.1, nice numbers for growth.
Then when flowering time comes around, switch to a nice Bat Guano look for a NPK of 0-4-0 up to 0-7-0. The thing about guano is, it has at least double or triple the number rated. See, fertilizers are rated by what NPK level that is immediately available (not the total content of NPK). The extra P in guano breaks down slow & even, pumping up your buds, without sudden overload/shock - which is caused by those Mega P / K ferts like 0-50-30 or 0-30-30. I steer clear of those, too much P & K all of the sudden can damage your plants.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real.....Organic...
Mix one cup per gallon of soil, prior to planting. You do not have to compost it prior to use, provided you don't over mix it into your soil.
If your plants are already growing, in a soil or a semi-soilless mix. Put one cup into a gallon of unchlorinated water - agitate. Let sit overnight, agitate again, let sit overnight again. Third day, water in - one quart of your bunny tea - per plant - no more. Wait four days, lightly water (plain water only). Repeat the cycle. Bunny Manure is a great source of NPK during veggie growth - averaging ( 2.4-1.5-.6 ).
To shore up the K, I really like Earth Juice "Meta K", it's all natural, and is rated at NPK of 0-0-10. I cut the dose to a quarter, so I end up with NPK 0-0-2.5, mixed with your bunny poop. You would end up with a NPK of 2.4-1.5-3.1, nice numbers for growth.
Then when flowering time comes around, switch to a nice Bat Guano look for a NPK of 0-4-0 up to 0-7-0. The thing about guano is, it has at least double or triple the number rated. See, fertilizers are rated by what NPK level that is immediately available (not the total content of NPK). The extra P in guano breaks down slow & even, pumping up your buds, without sudden overload/shock - which is caused by those Mega P / K ferts like 0-50-30 or 0-30-30. I steer clear of those, too much P & K all of the sudden can damage your plants.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real.....Organic...

For sure good lookin
Bunny turd tea... :lol:
Ohso, please look for my thread in organics. It's cooled off and I'd like to mix up a little soil for planting tomorrow. :)
Jahman2222 I really have not found any bad Bat Guano in all my years of growing. You can get High N Bat Guano, which is excellant for veggie growth phase. Then switch to High P Guano, when it's flowering time.
What seperates the two Guanos - Time. Fresh Bat Guano has more N. As it ages & little dung beatles, creepy crawlers & microorganisms (which I like to call micro-beaties) eat it, then shit it out. It's NPK level changes. Most of these critters are eating up the N, slowly driving it down. While the P & sometimes the K are going up.
Don't be sold by bigger numbers with flowering Bat Guano. All fertilizers are rated NPK, by what is immediately available. Like 0-7-0, means 7% P available (like overnight). With Guanos the P level is usually two or three times higher - so that 0-7-0 is actually 0-14-0 up to 0-21-0. Everything after the first 7 % is slow release. It will break down over several months. I never use flowering guano with numbers above 0-12-0.
So, if when you hit week 6 of veggie growth, you start cutting back on your Grow Fertilizer or Guano & start slowly adding flowering Bat Guano, it will break down, slow & smooth - giving Mary what she needs - without fertilizer overload. Lot's of people are guilty of trying to force feed Mary shit like 0-50-30, SuperMega P or refined/processed Super High P Bat Guano thinking Wow - it will make some giant buds. It sure will, they will plump up & be overfilled with fertilizer & taste like - well fertilizer - Yuck....
So there you have it Fresh Guano (higher N) is good for the grow phase & Aged (higer P) Guano is better for the flowering stage. The NPK numbers vary a little by where they come from. Some bats eat fruits, others bugs - some hang out in the desert & others in the forest or jungle. Their diet & environment both effect the final NPK. Cause some of the guano stays very dry, sheltered from the weather & other guano gets rained on, dampened by moist caves or just eaten (processed more) by critters.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real....Organic....
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Thanks a bunch Ohsogreen. +rep for the help...but i have another questoion..what do you mean "I have no found any bat guano in all my years of growin"?