Well-Known Member
Yes.. we live in a World full of shit. Thank goodness, however for Worm, Bat & Bunny Shit. They are the three amazing shits that every grower needs in his/her arsenal. Worm Castings make the most gentle of starter fertilizers (.1 % N no P no K) Highly Soluble, full of trace minerals & mychorizzal fungi. Bunny Turds (NPK 2-1-.5) are great for veggie growing and cost less the Bat Guano. Plus since, most people who raise bunny rabbits feed them Alfalfa Pellets - you get a bonus - a natural growth stimulator called -Triacontanol. When the budget allows it, I use Bat Guano for both veggie & flowering - chosing the proper one for each. When I'm counting change - I like to save Bat Guano for flowering and only in a tea form. It's hard to beat. It contains microorganisms not found in any other manure - actually able to improve even toxic soil. Scientist & Chemist have tried to reproduce them in the lab and can't. God holds the ingredients list & patent on this - and he is not sharing. So, swear off all that chemically rendered sludge, petroleum waste & natural gas byproducts - known as fertilizer. Discover the Truth - Organic Grown Buds Have No Equal - Fat, Frosty & Smooth.....
