the so something just f@cked up thread


Well-Known Member

so i got raided a little while ago and my court papers the other day i was fined 1152 dollars. cultivation (4 seedlings about an inch or 2 tall) and posession

anyways in spite of that i planted a few more to see what ended up with a haze aand a shiva that weere both fems haze was pretty good but the shiva was perfect. PERFECT christmas trea shape where ya could tell even the bottom branches were going get good buds to :( .. anyhoo the cops been driving past and people sneakin round the back of the house plus a mates plants were ripped... anyways i wanted to keep em here but i was outvoted ad had to move em.... he haze was a sucess just. But the shiva beeng to big to get in the car sideways with the seats forward ended up breaking its bernding its top right were the top cola was :( i was pissed off, devo, sad, and an outright prick i still am to be truthfull.... if they didnt make me get rid of it, it wouldnt have happened thats how i feel.... im thinking fuck it i woulda happily copped the punishment over this TRAGEDY but thats just me i guess....

anyhoo first i was that pised was gonna just destroy it but thats just how i am... but then i ade evertyone im living with do it for me even splint it and wrap it up.... it should be ok it only bent and cracked a little bit, it should come back nicely but thats besides the point too. the time its got to heal is less time getting dank and i just dont like that throw it away its not worth the piss off in my eyes.. but this is one of those beautiful plants ya gotta make an exeption.. this mother fucker was planted at the wrong time had fuck all veg time and grew to over a metr tall bushie and how you would want the perfect chrissy tree to be BUT DANK early crystal production the works im so pissed guess ill clone then pollinate or somthing i dunno. it was only starting to bud and growing bigger by the day 4 sure..


feel my anger

sorry about this but i have to tell someone and vent some anger..

anyone want to comment or leave one of there bad experiences please feel free to :(


Well-Known Member
Dude, be careful!

But look on the bright side, get a good lawyer and I bet that they will reduce it to just posession!


Well-Known Member
i have already been fined for my last growing attempt. 1152 dollars lol had court about two weeks ago.

the problem i had this time was i was moving ma shit as we only got raided 2 months ago. they been driving past. i think they wanna see if im growing again....

thatss y i moved them today so i didnt get caught again. and i broke the the top of my shiva i was devo so i had to have my rant.... my lifes sucking pretty bad atm.

to mr west
THAT WAS PRETTY COOL even had a jester in it lol. DOWNLOADED ;)

thanks bro cheered me up a little bit.... i liked it cheers westie.

i know the plants gonna be fine but fuck me itl still stunt it a little dammit... even a day lost is too much in my eyes.


Well-Known Member
Hold on! You need to step back and think about your situation, the worst thing you can do now is continue to grow. It's not worth going to jail for a few plants, no matter what!


Well-Known Member
Be careful with your ladies bro....... they wont be happy with you, you will be lucky if shiva ONLY decideds she needs to loose around 5% of total yeild..... But she will be fine !
Cops have there heads up there arse and there priorities shoved in the end of there knob....... they have no idea if they bust us smokers as CRIMINALS... when there are arsinost, armed rbbery, rape,murder ETC that need A BULLET..... and they spend there time dogging us QUIET HUMBLE smokers as crims! F@#K PIGS!


Well-Known Member
Cover the splint in cloning gel,it will prevent air,disease and mould and help to seal the wound much more quickly.
No it wont root out of the top,lolbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hold on! You need to step back and think about your situation, the worst thing you can do now is continue to grow. It's not worth going to jail for a few plants, no matter what!
ummm i have im sore, poor and stick prices are ridiculous atm where im from oz dickheads want up to 350 i tell them to shove it. i smok to help with my chronic pain and migrains so its kinda a nn option for me....
fck da police smoke a blunt and forget it
i did and i intend to ;)
Be careful with your ladies bro....... they wont be happy with you, you will be lucky if shiva ONLY decideds she needs to loose around 5% of total yeild..... But she will be fine !
Cops have there heads up there arse and there priorities shoved in the end of there knob....... they have no idea if they bust us smokers as CRIMINALS... when there are arsinost, armed rbbery, rape,murder ETC that need A BULLET..... and they spend there time dogging us QUIET HUMBLE smokers as crims! F@#K PIGS!
i agree... but that sux i dont want a skinny godess i wanted a weight lifter or a fat chick godess if ya catch my drift.... i like god bud not stunted bud.. besides they dont need to go after the real criminals to go after.... THEY GOT ME TO HARASS NOW..... 3 times with noithing then ill file harassment.

Cover the splint in cloning gel,it will prevent air,disease and mould and help to seal the wound much more quickly.
No it wont root out of the top,lolbongsmilie
i splinted it..... but true cloning gels good for that thanks man. i borrowed that snippet of info to put on th beginers thread in my sig thats cool ehy

chin up jester things will brighten up, have you considered moving house?
yup im thinking of moving for sure i may move a few time log in even from different places and then make a proxy my hmepage... im a paranoid fucker lol.

p.s thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
wow guess nobidys got there own bad stories :( oh well.

on a bright note i had a look at the baby today and seemingly unefected so im creaming.

gave it its first lot of pot ash today and gave one a tomato slow release fert just to see the differance :) guess ill find out


Well-Known Member
Why did you get raided in the first place? You must have slipped up somehow in the first place. I suggest to not fuck with the people that you have been.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude and if your auntie had balls shed be your uncle

i dont talk or hang with anyone anymore.. i have no need too.. coulda been a few ppl tho the neighbers are cool but they have guests too so who knows who it was.

i was dobbed on thats all i know.. anyways thats in the past the thing im upset about is ma plants best crownie getting damaged..... im of the oppinion everyones gonna fuck up once. had to get my first customs letter before i worked out how to work the system didnt i....... besides

not all of us are blessed with perfect growing environments. i cant even controll the flow of my own house as we share.... like i said im a carer i get a shitty wage.... i also suffer from chroonic pain, migraines, insomnia and a few other odds and endsi find the weed helps a lot... without it id have nothing but pain killers and to be honest the weed really is needed it helps the pain killers along

i figure as long as as my ass faces the ground im gonna grow maself a dope plant only 1 from now on tho ;) the prices where i am atm are shocking.

but yeah im trying to save to rent somewhere new tho.... i know what you mean tho :(


Well-Known Member
Alright, that's cool. I got the impression that you were growing some bomb and moving it out, but whatever. It sucks that they would even CONSIDER raiding someone that is growing for personal use only. Just be careful and try to make things better for yourself, keep moving forward. Good luck

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah move house for sure tell no one youve moved but your mother cos you cant trust the circle no more its a shame but its either yuou were super unlucky or more common down to breaking the first rule of grow club....

and we all know what that is......


Well-Known Member
yeah move house for sure tell no one youve moved but your mother cos you cant trust the circle no more its a shame but its either yuou were super unlucky or more common down to breaking the first rule of grow club....

and we all know what that is......
dont know what your talking about what grow club.... lol nah i am of the oppinion of loose lips sink ships meaning i agree with you.... the only other ppl who know are the ones ive had to use to get seeds sent to there house and there all trustworthy.... and i dont trust many people these days........ like i said i think someoine see them and yeah :(

Alright, that's cool. I got the impression that you were growing some bomb and moving it out, but whatever. It sucks that they would even CONSIDER raiding someone that is growing for personal use only. Just be careful and try to make things better for yourself, keep moving forward. Good luck
no growing for proffit just myself. i dont want to risk adding distributio to that list.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dont know what your talking about what grow club.... lol nah i am of the oppinion of loose lips sink ships meaning i agree with you.... the only other ppl who know are the ones ive had to use to get seeds sent to there house and there all trustworthy.... and i dont trust many people these days........ like i said i think someoine see them and yeah :(

lol sorry i was being cryptic i was referencing fight club: first rule of fight club is you dont talk about fight club!

good luck for future grow ops:weed: dude hopefully no more po po will come a knocking!


Well-Known Member
yeah i knew what you were saying i was being cryptic too..
get it..

i dont know what your talking about..... what grow club