The Snake Club

we have an adult female normal ball python 66% possible het orange ghost
a male orange ghost pastel
a male yellowbelly spider pastel
and a female orange ghost yellowbelly pastel (possible enchi line).

planning on breeding the poss. het f to the orange ghost pastel male this winter.
thanks babe ;) :)

can't wait to see her offspring!
Do the snake have to be the exact same species to have progeny?
No you can create hybrids occasionally. There's one with balls, blood balls, etc they tend to not want to hybridize and it's a bitch trying to size match a large snake with a small snake and to match their breeding conditions so that its conducive for them to breed.
burmese python x ball python

woma python x ball python

carpet python x ball python

blood python x ball python

reticulated python x ball python

burmese x reticulated python
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I appreciate that! Snakes aren't as bad as people make them out to be, most of them will scurry away because they're more scared of you. I get there is the occasional bite here and there but it's most likely to happen when people tread into areas they like to hide.
These hunt humans out here. They do not go away they go after you.

Mojave Green and very dangerous.
Okay, got some good pics of our snake babies for you guys!

This is our newest edition, she's a orange ghost yellowbelly pastel, possibly enchi.


We got this guy a couple of months ago, he was the size of the baby (shown above). He's yellowbelly spider super pastel


This is our orange ghost pastel male


This is our normal female 66% possible Het for orange ghost. She's not proven but we will be breeding her this season. Ghost is a recessive trait so we will know when the babies hatch if she is ghost or not.


Here's another shot of our yellowbelly spider super pastel. He was small like our baby a couple of months ago but he's been eating good and has gained 5 times his weight over. He's roughly a 800 grams now :)

These hunt humans out here. They do not go away they go after you.

Mojave Green and very dangerous.
i love the mojaves! they were the only ones i could freehand when i was working with hots... they are borderline sidewinders, and go for about 200$ each at the shows.

i specialized in cobras and other exotic vipers. i do have tons of experience with local pit vipers as well though... none compare to black spitters, kings, and gaboons. dealt with lanceheads and tigers too.

i don't do hots anymore, other than local coppers and rattlers...
i love the mojaves! they were the only ones i could freehand when i was working with hots... they are borderline sidewinders, and go for about 200$ each at the shows.

i specialized in cobras and other exotic vipers. i do have tons of experience with local pit vipers as well though... none compare to black spitters, kings, and gaboons. dealt with lanceheads and tigers too.

i don't do hots anymore, other than local coppers and rattlers...
When I see one I finish my AM run in record time! You should see my fat ass go LOL
When I see one I finish my AM run in record time! You should see my fat ass go LOL
there are vids of me trying to coral a 'tame' snake, and hauling ass, just to sneak back in for more...

i lost a rattler in public once. someone brought it to me in a styrofoam cooler. it broke out, and there were dozens of people in direct vicinity and he opened the container. snake went ape shit, and hauled ass under the building. i had to get my clamps and hooks, and pull the 6' long bastard out... with spectators...

that could have been a bad day. i got him bagged easily, he was tired and cold. i had the isles roped off after that, but went out of biz shortly after anyways...
there are vids of me trying to coral a 'tame' snake, and hauling ass, just to sneak back in for more...

i lost a rattler in public once. someone brought it to me in a styrofoam cooler. it broke out, and there were dozens of people in direct vicinity and he opened the container. snake went ape shit, and hauled ass under the building. i had to get my clamps and hooks, and pull the 6' long bastard out... with spectators...

that could have been a bad day. i got him bagged easily, he was tired and cold. i had the isles roped off after that, but went out of biz shortly after anyways...
Reptilian brain, I just can not believe in a domesticated snake, sated maybe, but domesticated never, refer to reptilian brain. I'm very wary of snakes, all of them, even the 2 legged kind, ha!
Reptilian brain, I just can not believe in a domesticated snake, sated maybe, but domesticated never, refer to reptilian brain. I'm very wary of snakes, all of them, even the 2 legged kind, ha!
there is no such thing as a domesticated reptile. just like there are no domesticated birds. birds and reptiles are directly related. both have small brains. they can be conditioned, and even trained, but never domesticated. they aren't intelligent enough...
there is no such thing as a domesticated reptile. just like there are no domesticated birds. birds and reptiles are directly related. both have small brains. they can be conditioned, and even trained, but never domesticated. they aren't intelligent enough...
Oh shit, that bit me badly. What you say is true (re biology). But I have big birds (macaws, cockatoos). I have one cockatoo I have had since he was an egg. He discusses things with me in 3-4 word, sentence fragments. He comes up with original thought similar to the African Grey, Alex ( I am so ambivalent about these inconvenient facts.
Reptilian brain, I just can not believe in a domesticated snake, sated maybe, but domesticated never, refer to reptilian brain. I'm very wary of snakes, all of them, even the 2 legged kind, ha!
however, due to the nature of their tiny brains, and easily predicted behaviors, snakes are easily handled, even wild snakes. i will post a vid next spring when i go hunting for eastern diamonds...