The Snake Club

How many snakes do you have
Four, but you'd have to ask Cat what all of them are specifically. I can tell you we just scored the 4th ball python we have that is ghost with yellow belly and this other rare trait that I can't think of right now..too sleepy..I'll get him to help me with the specifics in the morning.
Four, but you'd have to ask Cat what all of them are specifically. I can tell you we just scored the 4th ball python we have that is ghost with yellow belly and this other rare trait that I can't think of right now..too sleepy..I'll get him to help me post the specifics in the morning.
Cool ....peace out rosey Sleep good don't let the bed bugs bite ....if they do bite em back ....
I don't have any pet snakes anymore but I still love playing with wild ones when I come across them.

This is a 6ft Pine snake I found in the woods. About the biggest they get up here except maybe Timber rattlers which I've yet to see.

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That's pretty cool, the coloring reminds me of our pythons a bit. Love how you got Bambi eating out of one hand and the snake in your other. That's crazy that the baby deer doesn't seem to mind that snake being so close!

and you don't look so much like Dumbledore as I

Four, but you'd have to ask Cat what all of them are specifically. I can tell you we just scored the 4th ball python we have that is ghost with yellow belly and this other rare trait that I can't think of right now..too sleepy..I'll get him to help me with the specifics in the morning.
we have an adult female normal ball python 66% possible het orange ghost
a male orange ghost pastel
a male yellowbelly spider pastel
and a female orange ghost yellowbelly pastel (possible enchi line).

planning on breeding the poss. het f to the orange ghost pastel male this winter.