If my cloner-babies' roots got much longer, it would have gotten tough to plant them without breaking the roots and shocking the poor little things. Eventually I'm gonna go hydro, but for now I'm sticking with dirt. Dirtless dirt. Anyway.
I prep the container. Dirt should be soaked, drainage should be prime, and the hole should be a little deeper than the depth of the clones roots.
I pull em out of the cloner.
I pull em out of the cup and the party hat.
Then I hold the clone centered in the prepared hole. If the roots are too long for the container, I gently spin the clone in the hole so the roots wrap the perimeter of the hole.
Grab a handfull of your favorite medium and lightly sprinkle in while holding the clone carefully in place, so the soil fills in around the roots and supports them.
Give it a little pat-down and water it in.
And you end up with a happy little vegling like this.
At this point, I put the clone in a less-than-fully-lit spot in my veg room and let it get pretty dry to harden it off. After that, they're good to go until your next rotation, at which point they should be ready to transplant. I'd like to thank my lovely wife for taking pics and my little OG Kush for posing for them. And for popping roots. Finally.