The shake hands and make up thread.

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Stop it. Real life friends or not. Im sick of seeing this shit. I dont want to report button you but i will. Really tired of this every day.

So you're cool with her back handed comments, then immediately hiding behind the victim card?

What does it matter if she has half the site blocked anyway? She can't see that I'm calling her out for playing the victim.
So you're cool with her back handed comments, then immediately hiding behind the victim card?

What does it matter if she has half the site blocked anyway? She can't see that I'm calling her out for playing the victim.
Wouldnt you say something if you were being ganged up on? Theyve been trolling her for months. Its turned into a band wagon thing. Its gross.
Dude. You're on hyper drive with your white stallion.

You know how much I appreciate this. But it's time to stop caring.

If you care, ignore. Just ignore it, with a button or not, and then be done.

I'll do this...just this once...for you...

Because we need to stop fuelling the hate fire...

View attachment 3586092

Now picture that gagging noise you like so much and think happy thoughts my dear.


Reported for lewd behavior. This is a marijuana forum not a porn site.
Wouldnt you say something if you were being ganged up on? Theyve been trolling her for months. Its turned into a band wagon thing. Its gross.

I'm not part of the party that is ganging up on her. I'm doing my own thing calling her out on the victim role. I was minding my business in Politics, she ventured over and played games. I'm just making sure we are all clear about the game she plays.

You know me dude, I don't just go at someone for no reason. That's not my style.
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