The shake hands and make up thread.

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its sorta illegal to buy milk that hasnt gone through a heating process to kill bacteria. Pasteurization. Finding a dairy farm is usually the only way. The farmers usually will sell you pails for 10 bucks if they trust you. It takes a hell of a lot of milk to make a small amount of cheese most of the time. Ive only made halumi (sp?) before. It was cool, we cooked it before we ate it and it squeeked when you bit into it.
That varies by state. Legal to buy raw milk here.
As it should be. I drank raw milk every morning for years and never died from mad cow disease.
Here's a clue how not to get that.

Drink milk from this:

Happy cow.jpg

Do not drink milk from this:

mad cow.jpg

I love it. We were getting before it was legal to buy.

Take the cream off the top and throw in a blender with a little salt for fast homemade butter.
Who cares if someone doesn't like you or me. It's the internet.

I happen to like both you guys - you're cool in my book.

Hope you care. :wink:
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Nothin, unless they say whatnot after everything they say, like in the middle of sentences or the end or whatnot.

What is the deal with English people and "At the end of the day"?
When ever I hear "At the end of the day" I interrupt and say, "It is night, now shut the fuck up."

Then I kick them in the junk, call them gay and use racial slurs until the police come.
What is the deal with English people and "At the end of the day"?
When ever I hear "At the end of the day" I interrupt and say, "It is night, now shut the fuck up."

Then I kick them in the junk, call them gay and use racial slurs until the police come.

You spend a lot on bail bonds?

Can you write that off?
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