The Seed Collectors Thread

lol good way to look at it. and lol at not that many people.

thats fucked up, i dont know how anybody could do that to someone...i'd kill a bitch if we fucked and then i found out she didnt tell me she had aids..
lol good way to look at it. and lol at not that many people.

thats fucked up, i dont know how anybody could do that to someone...i'd kill a bitch if we fucked and then i found out she didnt tell me she had aids..

yah, no shit, even if i used protection.. i think the choice of whether or not i want to be exposed to something like that should be up to me, and not the other person laying in the bed..
and yah, i really had a lot of respect for the dude before i had heard that shit.. he really seemed to have his shit together, living with aids can't be easy, was taking care of his sisters out of control teen aged son, let me live with him for a couple of months when i was really down and out on my luck, and then that bomb shell fell on my ears. i forget how i heard about it.. i think i knew he had told me that the chick didn't know he has aids, then one day i was talking to her on the phone and she said that they had fucked, and i almost feel over.. i really wanted to say something to her, but i didn't think it was my place to do so..
I am going to kill myself. (no i am not serious) RB i think your mailbox may be full. I just wrote you a fucking 2 beer long novel and accidentaly closed it after sending and it didn't go through.

It was mainly some bitching and moaning about my old job. I sent you the same post like a year ago so I will save you the snooze fest. I wanted to know what you were doing in the job scene, your ideas, plans and thoughhts. PM me or respond in this thread. I am not rich, my wife is. We get to reverse roles I think she's getting laid off and I am gonna have to find work when we figure out where we are gonna live. At least I will hhave a dope ass grow area and man cave to come home too!
yah, no shit, even if i used protection.. i think the choice of whether or not i want to be exposed to something like that should be up to me, and not the other person laying in the bed..
and yah, i really had a lot of respect for the dude before i had heard that shit.. he really seemed to have his shit together, living with aids can't be easy, was taking care of his sisters out of control teen aged son, let me live with him for a couple of months when i was really down and out on my luck, and then that bomb shell fell on my ears. i forget how i heard about it.. i think i knew he had told me that the chick didn't know he has aids, then one day i was talking to her on the phone and she said that they had fucked, and i almost feel over.. i really wanted to say something to her, but i didn't think it was my place to do so..

fucked up brotha. i think i might have told her...may not be your place but thats some serious shit....tough call there.
I am going to kill myself. (no i am not serious) RB i think your mailbox may be full. I just wrote you a fucking 2 beer long novel and accidentaly closed it after sending and it didn't go through.

It was mainly some bitching and moaning about my old job. I sent you the same post like a year ago so I will save you the snooze fest. I wanted to know what you were doing in the job scene, your ideas, plans and thoughhts. PM me or respond in this thread. I am not rich, my wife is. We get to reverse roles I think she's getting laid off and I am gonna have to find work when we figure out where we are gonna live. At least I will hhave a dope ass grow area and man cave to come home too!

lol at that.. as a matter of fact, i just deleted most of my messages, so if you want to type it out again, it's all ready for you, lmao.. j'k of course... and why is it that it's only the pm's or posts that are like a fucking encyclopedia that end up getting erased and never the ones that say heyo or whatever, lol..
i know that i once was doing my resume, spent fucking hours on it, then i went to save it or did something, and poof, it was gone, and boy was i pissed to say the least...
i'll get back to that pm pd.. but right now, i'm out of work, but i've got to end that seriously soon as i'm running out of money quickly..
lol at that.. as a matter of fact, i just deleted most of my messages, so if you want to type it out again, it's all ready for you, lmao.. j'k of course... and why is it that it's only the pm's or posts that are like a fucking encyclopedia that end up getting erased and never the ones that say heyo or whatever, lol..
i know that i once was doing my resume, spent fucking hours on it, then i went to save it or did something, and poof, it was gone, and boy was i pissed to say the least...
i'll get back to that pm pd.. but right now, i'm out of work, but i've got to end that seriously soon as i'm running out of money quickly..

yup..ive only exited out of pm's/emails a couple times and they were all long ones...and i rarely send long messages..

i exited out of my seed list once before i saved it...i wanted to die after that lol.
I guess all the drug addicts are seed collectors too.

We've just changed addictions.

Ibeen on methadone for about 14 months. Growin buds is the only thing that's kept me clean so far.
an addictive personality will cling to anything...i have many addictions...none of which are drugs anymore.

methadone...ive never tried it.
well of course i didn't start off doing heroin, mostly lots and lots of coke for a few years, than i moved on to the dope for a few years, which brought me down rather quickly if i do say so..

I literally stopped doing meth because it lasted forever and I liked it like no other drug I had ever done. Oh and everybody else seemed to not be able to do it without becoming a shady ass theif/scab picker, sup with that?

probably still be on coke if it wasnt for my night, did almost and 8ball of some bomb...then i noticed my heart would stop for a second, and then start back up again. i ignored it til it happened again...found out i have a faulty valve and my heart backs up with blood and it pauses for a second cuz its working too hard to pump all the blood out, there are 2 known causes, heredity and cocaine abuse...stay off the drugs and booze kids....stick to the weed

Holy crap man. That must have been brutal on you! I will admit one time I smoked a bunch of crack and eventually everone wound down and my wife went to sleep. I was so afraid to go to sleep because my heart was beating so fast and my breathing was manual. I felt that if I went to sleep I would never wake up and I had problems sleeping on that stuff anyways even though it made me tired. I was a total coke head at the time too so it wasn't like oh that's what being high on coke feels like, I will never forget that experience and to my knowledge, I don't have a bad heart.

i spent a very short time living with this guy who got aids from the needle, and he had sex with this chic and never told her that he had aids.. not sure if they used a condom, but i almost fell the fuck over when i heard that he did that shit to someone.. totally made me lose so much respect for the dude for being able to do that shit to someone, idk.. but i could never live like that for sure


That's like on par with molestation as far as I'm concerned.

Like I said I spent a whhile on that post so I have been catching up and responding repeatedly as I go.
I guess all the drug addicts are seed collectors too.

We've just changed addictions.

Ibeen on methadone for about 14 months. Growin buds is the only thing that's kept me clean so far.

christ, it would really help if i learned how to read before i go ahead and type out a ass long response, lol.. but yah, i've been on methadone for over ten years now too... it don't do poo for you though other than stop you from jonseing..
oh i know all about it, just never tried it. i also hate the trade one drug for another, but imo, that trade is worth it.

have you tried to get off it before? the methadone that is.
oh i know all about it, just never tried it. i also hate the trade one drug for another, but imo, that trade is worth it.

have you tried to get off it before? the methadone that is.

not yet.. the only thing i've done this far is lower my dose down to 40 mg's a day, which is like hardly anything to begin with.. i know some people there who are over 200mg's a day, which to me is just retarded, why stop using dope if you want to medicate with methadone.. idk, who am i though.. but no, i've never tried in the 10 years i've been there.. i'm sure i'd be good to go as i haven't used since the day i went on it over ten years ago.. but part of me wonders if that is because i have that shit in me, or is it truly just because i don't want to use it anymore and i'm beyond it now?? it seems like a different person to me when i think of my using days, and can't picture myself doing that today, but if i think back before i used it, i would have thought the same thing, lol... i just think it's the fear that holds me back from getting off of it..
i think when i get to a good point in my life, get a steady job again and get some money in the bank and i feel good about where i'm at in life, i'm going to get off of it once and for all..
yeah dude, that sounds like a good gotta be happy with where you're at or it will just make it that much harder. i feel ya though, i was afraid to get pain killers for my kidney stones and back pain...didnt want to get back into to all that again...but now that i grow my own, i have enough bud to keep me away from abusing all my pain meds....although i have had a few very fun nights with percocet in the passed year lol :)

all that shit is scary...the want/need for that snort, hit, drop or whatever is powerful. there's been a few times where i came real close to gettin some ex...but ive stayed away from it thus far.
lmao cool, im always happy to get a good laugh...even better when my serious statements like that one get a laugh :hump:

I meant no disrespect or to minimize the significance of a heroin addiction. I was merely reading things out of context and the way I read it seemed funny. It seemed like a statement u might make in place of "cool story bro" or something LOL. I do believe what was saifd about us getting to together would be very bad. I have actually had to end relationships with peoplebecause I was a bad influence or that we simly brought out the worst in each other even if we had a great time doing it. Don'tthink this works here but :friends:

I think I'm all caught up now. With this thread you never really know though do you? + rep to post 1 but I'm sure I will hhave to spread rep around first.
no man, no disrespect taken what so ever. you guys couldn't say anything to offend me.

i ended quite a few relationships when i got off the blow...i had to. you said it right, brought the worst out for sure.