The Seed Collectors Thread

glad to hear someone who actually needs it won.

last time someone won around here...they bought a motor home and a shitload of coke and got busted in arizona...they're in jail and their kids are in foster care...fuckin idioits...
glad to hear someone who actually needs it won.

last time someone won around here...they bought a motor home and a shitload of coke and got busted in arizona...they're in jail and their kids are in foster care...fuckin idioits...
Fuck no. We are getting the fuck out of our trailer! I hate it here.....A house of our own is all we ever wanted but we got shitty credit and I never really had a large income to make it doable. We are buying a house straight cash, no interest no taking it for default of loan etc. I am pretty good at saving money once I have it. That's why I am investing in silver again I was bummedI had to sell it all and it's tripled in value since then. I don't do drugs anymore so don't worry bout that.

Last wood it was a 10$ scratch ticket. I feel sorry for everyone else, there was 2 grand prizes and they both have already been claimed. Make sure you check your local lottery for info on what prizes are still available before you play. :wink:
i've been playing win a week for life for ages now... i once got two out of the three needed win for lifes and i nearly shat my pants then, i can't imagine actually winning something, let alone that much cash..
but if it weren't for bad luck, i'd have no luck at all, lol... and being that i have a super addictive personality that i've learned about the hard way with hard drugs in my past, i'm better off not getting into gambling and what not.. me, i've probably spent close to that amount just on hard drugs in all of my years of using, lol... oh well, at least i've some cool stories to tell the grand kids, someones that is as i'm not very likely to have any myself, lol..
lol so you'd be like those fuckers that bought all the coke and got busted.

i miss my hard drug days....i was real big on ex and blow....mmmmmm....
Fuck no. We are getting the fuck out of our trailer! I hate it here.....A house of our own is all we ever wanted but we got shitty credit and I never really had a large income to make it doable. We are buying a house straight cash, no interest no taking it for default of loan etc. I am pretty good at saving money once I have it. That's why I am investing in silver again I was bummedI had to sell it all and it's tripled in value since then. I don't do drugs anymore so don't worry bout that.

Last wood it was a 10$ scratch ticket. I feel sorry for everyone else, there was 2 grand prizes and they both have already been claimed. Make sure you check your local lottery for info on what prizes are still available before you play. :wink:

Are you sure about silver? I bought when it was at the £17 and £19 mark. It recently went up to...£32, I think it was, now it's back down to £25, but it still seems a little too high to buy to me.

Congrats on the win, btw.
i've been playing win a week for life for ages now... i once got two out of the three needed win for lifes and i nearly shat my pants then, i can't imagine actually winning something, let alone that much cash..
but if it weren't for bad luck, i'd have no luck at all, lol... and being that i have a super addictive personality that i've learned about the hard way with hard drugs in my past, i'm better off not getting into gambling and what not.. me, i've probably spent close to that amount just on hard drugs in all of my years of using, lol... oh well, at least i've some cool stories to tell the grand kids, someones that is as i'm not very likely to have any myself, lol..

Yeah we aren't hardcore players. I cringe when I look at the probability of winning. We buy every once in a while maybe 2-3 times a month. My family has been playing the lottery, casino gambling and scratch tickets heavily for many many years and they never won anything like this. My mom has got like 5 #s on the lotto like 3 or 4 times I bet. My granpa once won a jeep on a progressive slot I think. I am actually a little glad that online poker is shut down. I always felt I was a great player and one day I would a huge amount of money in it. I liked playing but I honestly don't trust the sites to much. I won $4k one night on my birthday but I didn't win anything else for the following year and ran $200 into 1$, when they got indicted.

I used to be pretty heavy coc user too. It's crazy to think how at 16 I was able to have 500$ a week just to do coke when I didn't have a job. One dauy I was all strung out on meth or something and had a fat bag of good dank that I barely touched. I was like WTF I love smoking weed and I don't even do that because of drugs. I just decided to be a pot head again I smoked the bag and never really looked back besides a couple recreational situations where I wanted to (i was drunk I am always down when I'm drunk :P). And they say weed is a gateway drug. :rolleyes:
Are you sure about silver? I bought when it was at the £17 and £19 mark. It recently went up to...£32, I think it was, now it's back down to £25, but it still seems a little too high to buy to me.

Congrats on the win, btw.

yeah i bought a little at 17$. At the time I was heavily invested in gold and mildly into silver. I know it's high now but will it go back up to 50$ or down to 17$? I think the odds are more in favor of silver doubing again then gold because it's so high and out of the budgets of most small investors. (im not an expert I buy totally off of feeling ATM)I am not looking for the uick flip though, I want something to pass on to my children when I'm gone. My strategy is, if it drops you keep buying. It will drrop your overall cost/oz down and I wouldn't sell it if I was going to lose money on it. Plus, if it goes up now you'll kick yourself for not getting in while you could. I had 7k$ I was interested and everyone kept saying it's a bad investment. gold was 700$/oz. That day I was watching the market it went up a record 90$ that day and I bought. It continued to rise and I was waiting for 1500$/oz everyone said it's not gonna happen. I had to sell at 1100$ and still made profit but if I could've held onto it, I would have doubled it. I'll pick a number like 50-60$ to sell some to turn a little profit and again drop down my cost, but I invested in some graded coins too that aren't based on silver value alone. Maybe not the wisest investments now, but I really have a desire for certain coins. Just like seeds I just gotta have em.

I splurged a little on this one, (toned coins is what got me into silver) but it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Speaking of which I need a beer.
lol so you'd be like those fuckers that bought all the coke and got busted.

i miss my hard drug days....i was real big on ex and blow....mmmmmm....

lol, nah, i've been clean off of heroin for ten years this past may, and coke even longer than that... so, no money being spent on any of that crap from me anymore, lol..
and i hear you about being down when you drink pipe.. that is pretty much why i try not to drink anymore.. i'm the same way, get a lil buzz on and i was running over the bridge in search of some blow.. can't be doing that now a days, so i just try to avoid alcohol at all times.. i'll have a drink once in awhile, but nothing to crazy for me, lol.. just can't live like that today...
and i was the same way about bud when i was on heavier shit, especially heroin... i couldn't even look at bud when i was on it.. it was too much of a downer, and on top of dope, it was just a bad combo for me.. plus, who had money for weed when you had a dope habit, lol, not me, that's for sure.. i don't miss those days one lil bit tbh.. so glad i got clean when i did..
Luckily I lost my coke dealer's number and the other got hemmed up. To even get drugs I would have to go through a few addict middlemen which goes against every frugal and stingy bone in my body. All I would be able to talk about is how we overpayed for the coke, oh and we need more. ;)
Luckily I lost my coke dealer's number and the other got hemmed up. To even get drugs I would have to go through a few addict middlemen which goes against every frugal and stingy bone in my body. All I would be able to talk about is how we overpayed for the coke, oh and we need more. ;)

lmao.. i liked that last part about needing more.. sounds a bit familiar, lmao..
lol, nah, i've been clean off of heroin for ten years this past may, and coke even longer than that... so, no money being spent on any of that crap from me anymore, lol..
and i hear you about being down when you drink pipe.. that is pretty much why i try not to drink anymore.. i'm the same way, get a lil buzz on and i was running over the bridge in search of some blow.. can't be doing that now a days, so i just try to avoid alcohol at all times.. i'll have a drink once in awhile, but nothing to crazy for me, lol.. just can't live like that today...
and i was the same way about bud when i was on heavier shit, especially heroin... i couldn't even look at bud when i was on it.. it was too much of a downer, and on top of dope, it was just a bad combo for me.. plus, who had money for weed when you had a dope habit, lol, not me, that's for sure.. i don't miss those days one lil bit tbh.. so glad i got clean when i did..
sounds just like me..except for the heroin...just blow and pills for me...all it left me with is a bad heart valve and the hankering to snort something whenever i see someone do it on tv lol. used to bit of an alcoholic too but my crohns put an end to the drinking when i got real sick in my early 20's.

Luckily I lost my coke dealer's number and the other got hemmed up. To even get drugs I would have to go through a few addict middlemen which goes against every frugal and stingy bone in my body. All I would be able to talk about is how we overpayed for the coke, oh and we need more. ;)
yeah i lost all my dealers numbers too...had to so i could quit.

lmfao oh and we need more...that sounds like me to a T. i'm glad we didnt know each other back in the 3 would probably be dead by now.
sounds just like me..except for the heroin...just blow and pills for me...all it left me with is a bad heart valve and the hankering to snort something whenever i see someone do it on tv lol.

yeah i lost all my dealers numbers too...had to so i could quit.

lmfao oh and we need more...that sounds like me to a T. i'm glad we didnt know each other back in the 3 would probably be dead by now.

well of course i didn't start off doing heroin, mostly lots and lots of coke for a few years, than i moved on to the dope for a few years, which brought me down rather quickly if i do say so..
lol well i assumed that..not too many people jump right in with heroin. a close friend of mine has been battling H addiction for many many years...he cleans up for a year or so, gets a job and a place to stay and what not, then goes on a binge and is missing for a while...was awol for 6 months last time...its sad. you're lucky you got off it man, good job brotha.

i'd probably still be on coke if it wasnt for my night, did almost and 8ball of some bomb...then i noticed my heart would stop for a second, and then start back up again. i ignored it til it happened again...found out i have a faulty valve and my heart backs up with blood and it pauses for a second cuz its working too hard to pump all the blood out, there are 2 known causes, heredity and cocaine abuse...stay off the drugs and booze kids....stick to the weed :)
lol well i assumed that..not too many people jump right in with heroin. a close friend of mine has been battling H addiction for many many years...he cleans up for a year or so, gets a job and a place to stay and what not, then goes on a binge and is missing for a while...was awol for 6 months last time...its sad. you're lucky you got off it man, good job brotha.

i'd probably still be on coke if it wasnt for my night, did almost and 8ball of some bomb...then i noticed my heart would stop for a second, and then start back up again. i ignored it til it happened again...found out i have a faulty valve and my heart backs up with blood and it pauses for a second cuz its working too hard to pump all the blood out, there are 2 known causes, heredity and cocaine abuse...stay off the drugs and booze kids....stick to the weed :)

yah, i'm kinda scared that i effed up my heart as well with a lil too much coke over the years.. i used to sweat like a pig when i was using, and a few times it felt like my heart was going to jump right out of my chest which kinda scared the poo out of me..
i really should get a thorough physical, but i have to say that i'm a lil scurred at what they may find, and i like to live in ignorance regarding my health, lol... i do get an aids test once a year as well as have been tested for hep, both negatives thankfully, but i have to say i was rather scared the first time i got an aids test no doubt..
oh for sure dude, any tests are scary as fuck...ignorance truly is bliss. smart move on the aids and hep got your head on right.
oh for sure dude, any tests are scary as fuck...ignorance truly is bliss. smart move on the aids and hep got your head on right.

lol, the way i look at it is if my hearts effed up, it's only affecting me, but if i had hep or the hiv, well, that would affect some other people as well, not many mind you, lol, but some.. and i couldln't live with myself going around passing that shit on to other innocent people like i know some other people do..
i spent a very short time living with this guy who got aids from the needle, and he had sex with this chic and never told her that he had aids.. not sure if they used a condom, but i almost fell the fuck over when i heard that he did that shit to someone.. totally made me lose so much respect for the dude for being able to do that shit to someone, idk.. but i could never live like that for sure..