The Secrets to Becoming Sucessful

How is it a scam if i upload a video and youtube ASK me to put ads on it and i make money...
Noob -_-

Let me tell you this kid .... see that signature and your webspace .... back in the olden days ... we coded pages and would incorporate media.
Now, that I have grown up ... I host little websites like yours .... and take your money.
Because anyone can do this.

Someone is paying for the hardware ... to run the software ... that spreads your crap.
What you are doing is not new .... we have seen this entertainment through and through .... in this incarnation 10 years ago. (Noob)

Valiant try .... but there is millions of you !
Good luck with your traffic ... !
With positive messages of 'success' and how to get IT ... I admire your conviction ... but not the subject ... method and tone !

you guys have an issue i dont see why you have so much of a problem that i make a simple little video explaining something... it gets views .. youtube puts an ad on it and i make money. how does something like this effect you and your life... -_-
Naw, I just latch onto a phrase or word for a long while, and run it dry. And every once and a while, I'll bring it back from the dead. As in this case, "Im just sayin" -- I used alot, ran it into the ground, but recently decided to bring it back. And most recently I have ran the phrase, "Would you look at that" into the ground... and in a month or two Ill bring it back from the dead... (unless of course I get banned)

But seriously though, that kid definitely has down syndrome.

Check it out guys... Subscribe if you like my work...
Im open for feed back wether its negative or positive just comment lemme know how you feel. Thanks :)

ok why are you making vidios out of you car............ if you were giving 110% you should have thought of a better stage or at least be in a Benz ......also how successful are you? i only take advice on success from people that are more successful than me.......... i do get one thing your trying to make money through youtube wich is pritty smart....... here is some advice you know what the most enterd keywords on youtube is funny, do some funny ass shit look up sir googoo he used to be my boss the feds closed his office now he is making mock music vidios
Would you look at that !


@lowrider... dude... sirgoogoo is crazy.. lmao i just checked him out.. funnnnnyy stufff.. i subbed and added him lol
now thats how you make some $$$ on youtube lol.
i wonder how he gets around the copyright of the song thought seeing how he still uses the instrumentals
soo.. i took a lot of what you guys had to say into consideration for my next video.. what do you guys think? better then the last??
soo.. i took a lot of what you guys had to say into consideration for my next video.. what do you guys think? better then the last??

LOL... this is becoming epic I think you and Barney have something!!
Maybe people don't like you because you came here, posted a few posts about growing, posted a bit in toke n talk, and the next half of your posts are all in this thread.