The Secrets to Becoming Sucessful

if you see the first post it was HUMOR.....telling secrets RIGHT............and did you not take time to read how I complimented him on his video.............before you slam me you should read how post was intent on the humor of SECRET and how I priased him as a serious poost. Thank you for you time and consideration and slaming me in public as you did.

lmao i wasn't even talking to you someone else said this is common sense blah blah blah, i was saying that his points are valid that's it.
lmao i wasn't even talking to you someone else said this is common sense blah blah blah, i was saying that his points are valid that's it.

Yea but but I had fun typeing that shit LOL..............I thought I was the onoly one to catch secret to be honest thoug know I love ya........hell we been friends long enought you know I fuck with ya LOL
If you want to make money with your videos maybe you should put a little more effort into them than just recording some stuff on your phone while you're waiting on someone to come out of Walgreens.
lmao i wasn't even talking to you someone else said this is common sense blah blah blah, i was saying that his points are valid that's it.

oh... so you were talking to me huh?

lets go little man, bring it, hit me with your best shot.

it is common sense. I'll start with that.
my iphone is the only camera i have ... it has gotten me money for other videos, so whats the problem sgt floyd
I was really speaking more to the "Fuck I'm bored sitting in the cah, I think I'll make sweet money making video for all my bros." Stacks on deck, son.
I am successful in my moms minivan making videos in the Walgreen's parking lot.
If you want to make money with your videos maybe you should put a little more effort into them than just recording some stuff on your phone while you're waiting on someone to come out of Walgreens.

I agree with this. Get yourself a little setup at your house or whatever. All the youtube video's i've seen are usually shot in the same place and such… so you should do that! AND watch StonedPony because he's one sexy legend. Good luck!
First of what is your definition of success and what are you after ??

Have a Go at this Valedictorian speech .... then listen again !
If you get what SHE is saying ... you have learned something !


It is so positive that some of the Young people out there understand things so clearly !
She is a success already !!
In my eyes, that is !
lmao thanks for the feedback guys i appreciate it.. im just working on building a youtube channel and make some $$ here on the side by getting paid for ads on the videos when hey get popular.
so im just trying to network my videos and get a fanbase :)
appreciate the criticism whether its negative or positive :)

Dude you are trying to make a buck ads via......videos on "How to be Successful"?
And the idiots that click are your friends ?
As you will spam them just like YOU did here ...

Learn what you are selling first .... !
(Don't make me post this on 4chan)


oh... so you were talking to me huh?

lets go little man, bring it, hit me with your best shot.

it is common sense. I'll start with that.

hahaahahaha little man do u feel tough calling me that over the internet? it's all good though and yeah i agree with you it is common sense but if you take a look out into the world you see that common sense is often forgotten, and many people go throughout life forgetting to be more positive when they could be and bring more negativity into their life. Maybe you should rewatch the video because you seem a anrgy lmao
Dude you are trying to make a buck ads via......videos on "How to be Successful"?
And the idiots that click are your friends ?
As you will spam them just like YOU did here ...

Learn what you are selling first .... !
(Don't make me post this on 4chan)



what r u talking about dude make some sense before u write
What part of what I wrote lacks clarity ?
You are making weird videos and trying to make a buck through ads ... on youtube !

Thus in fact you are running a scam.
Remind me of this guy !


Stop wasting bandwidth !
What do you know of success at your age ?
