I can remember VIVIDLY ... every detail ... in the 5th grade my teacher talked about the turning of the century and what life would be like then.
I did the math in my head and realized I would be 40 in the year 2000. Again, I can remember perfectly just sitting there as she spoke in the background about all the cool things (uhhh, which didn't happen), and I just had the feeling it was all quite ridiculous. There was no way to live past 40. It just seemed incredibly old to me.....40.
It's natures little trick.... and it gets just about everyone. When your body is tight and fit and full of energy.... you don't know anything. Then, by the time you get a handle on how things REALLY work, you are too old to take advantage of it.
It's a good thing I suppose.... we probably would have blown ourselves up long ago if it was reversed.