The Secret

Well I just seen the title and decided to post what happened to me after I watched it...THIS IS NO JOKE, NO LIE! One night someone told me to watch The Secret so I did. While I was watching it said to wish for something, think of it a lot and it will happen. So I put it to the test, I was thinking all night and the whole day after to find $500 at work in a wallet/purse/envelope. It was about 9-10pm and I went to check the washrooms to see if anyone left anything, was doing that all day every hour or so, and what do I find! A purse with $500 in it! the girl came back around 10:30 to see if anyone found a purse...I didnt know at the point it has cash in it so I gave it to her, they she reached in and said thank god no one went inside...she pulled out an envelope and it had $500 in it... a day or 2 later I was working with a chick that didnt smoke pot but her BF did and I just quit a few weeks before because of certain reasons. Anyways she went in the washroom adn found 7 grams on the floor... after that day I havn't thought of using the secret sence...maybe I should with my plants :)...but to those who dont think this works or has bad no luck....start thinking POSSITIVE all the time..dont be an ass to people and think regurally what you want...its easier when your stoned! GIVE IT A TRY! WATCH THE MOVIE! and start thinking! now that im almost done...have I posted in this thread before?
The Secret:

You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between

You've got to spread joy up to the maximum
Bring gloom down to the minimum
Have faith or pandemonium
Liable to walk upon the scene

(To illustrate his last remark
Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark
What did they do
Just when everything looked so dark)

Man, they said we better
Accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between
No, do not mess with Mister In-Between
Do you hear me, hmm?

(Oh, listen to me children and-a you will hear
About the elininatin' of the negative
And the accent on the positive)
And gather 'round me children if you're willin'
And sit tight while I start reviewin'
The attitude of doin' right

(You've gotta accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between)

You've got to spread joy (up to the maximum)
Bring gloom (down) down to the minimum
Otherwise (otherwise) pandemonium
Liable to walk upon the scene

To illustrate (well illustrate) my last remark (you got the floor)
Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark
What did they say (what did they say)
Say when everything looked so dark

Man, they said we better
Accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between
No! Don't mess with Mister In-Between

(Johnny Mercer / Harold Arlen)
dude was on larry king the other night, he has alot of far fetch points but at least he admits they are far fetch, some of it is real tho, he also said the republicans and democrats are a joke, i totally agree. Our founding fathers said that political parties will ruin our country, and wholly shit, look were we are, none of them are using the secret to their advantage, if you are conservative, and i am liberal, deep down we still want the same things, right?
That's just a phase of youth. I thought the same thing around ur age. At some point you'll realize it isn't going to happen...and that will be natural also.

you are probably right, i guess i never can imagine my self getting old, aliens landing seems/seemed more likely. i guess im just too big of a scifi junkie, although, the universe is quite large!!!
i just saw this movie like a few nights ago. i was kinda apprehensive at first, but looked at where my lifes at right now, and decided to give it a try. so i'll let u guys know if i get that yacht next week.

lol, but for real.
you are probably right, i guess i never can imagine my self getting old, aliens landing seems/seemed more likely. i guess im just too big of a scifi junkie, although, the universe is quite large!!!

hey man, don't let cynical people like crackjax discredit your ideas. misery loves company, and people who get shit on in their lives try to dump that shit onto others and its a fucked up cycle.

we do share space by the way. and extra terrestrials are and have been engaging within this planet for decades.

i guess my point is, dream big and spread joy. and we're in luck. growing and distributing this herb is probably the easiest way of spreading joy.

you are probably right, i guess i never can imagine my self getting old, aliens landing seems/seemed more likely. i guess im just too big of a scifi junkie, although, the universe is quite large!!!

I can remember VIVIDLY ... every detail ... in the 5th grade my teacher talked about the turning of the century and what life would be like then.
I did the math in my head and realized I would be 40 in the year 2000. Again, I can remember perfectly just sitting there as she spoke in the background about all the cool things (uhhh, which didn't happen), and I just had the feeling it was all quite ridiculous. There was no way to live past 40. It just seemed incredibly old to me.....40.

It's natures little trick.... and it gets just about everyone. When your body is tight and fit and full of energy.... you don't know anything. Then, by the time you get a handle on how things REALLY work, you are too old to take advantage of it.
It's a good thing I suppose.... we probably would have blown ourselves up long ago if it was reversed.
I can remember VIVIDLY ... every detail ... in the 5th grade my teacher talked about the turning of the century and what life would be like then.
I did the math in my head and realized I would be 40 in the year 2000. Again, I can remember perfectly just sitting there as she spoke in the background about all the cool things (uhhh, which didn't happen), and I just had the feeling it was all quite ridiculous. There was no way to live past 40. It just seemed incredibly old to me.....40.

It's natures little trick.... and it gets just about everyone. When your body is tight and fit and full of energy.... you don't know anything. Then, by the time you get a handle on how things REALLY work, you are too old to take advantage of it.
It's a good thing I suppose.... we probably would have blown ourselves up long ago if it was reversed.

some people die when they're 25. but arent buried until they're 75.
That would be the religious. They stop growing early on. The church numbs their brain.

I'll clean it up for you since I say it this way in conversation.

Growing old is automatic. Growing up isn't.

The religious simply never grow up.
That would be the religious. They stop growing early on. The church numbs their brain.

I'll clean it up for you since I say it this way in conversation.

Growing old is automatic. Growing up isn't.

The religious simply never grow up.

the only church I associate myself with is from greenhouse seeds. and you must be one tormented soul to think bad about so many

edit: must not think you have a soul to begin with, so never mind what i said. ur just a monkey that decided to walk on two legs.
What makes you think I was talking about you....?

Guilty conscience? :lol:

Souls....there's another ridiculous belief.

i dont know...maybe i was looking for confrontation because ur fun to have it with. drunk right now. but i really love your beliefs or lack-there-of. even if its kinda empty, its still simple and comforting. i loveu man.
In what context?

I think there must be life out there somewhere. The universe is much too vast for there not to be. this case, it is quite high.

Now, do I think there are aliens coming to earth? Uhhh, no. Nope. Back to an incredibly low probability.