The Secret

"You too can have whiter teeth, a larger penis, smarter children, a prettier wife, and a house made of gold bars, just buy purchasing in my book, DVD, and monthly seminars. Actual results may vary."

When someone is selling you a better life, they usually leave out the part that it's their life that improves with the sale.
A good attitude and focusing on goals / aspirations is free and it will get you farther in life than pessimism and name calling.
You need to be told to have a positive attitude?

Some people do. I know a lot of pessimistic people. Thinking positively and having a positive attitude will make their lives better.

People lose sight of their goals in the chaos of life. Being mindful of your goal gives you a better chance of achieving them.

I am not telling you to buy a book - but I am telling you that positivity gets you a long way in life.
A positive attitude is NOT a secret. you have just met ppl who simply DON'T do it..... but it's not like they are UNAWARE of it.

The "secret" is just another sham self help book. It's nothing new and nothing original. It does make the authors quite a bit of $$$ tho. Now that is positive.
Hey I got the PMs about the Ignore List and I found it. You are right! They did as I predicted.
And I agree they are sad and pitiful, with no equls or friends to talk to, and if you allow them, they can add to anyone's negativity. I'd hate to live in this world with no hope or faith and not believing I can control my Destiny.

On the Control Panel at MY ROLLITUP,over on the left hand side, is where you can add bashers, haters and trolls to an Ignore List. They just then disappear into nowhere.

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sure makes a good thread more enjoyable without the negative down and outers who have no equals, or no one else to talk to.
look pot geniuses, its like this, either u are an ass or not, who wants to be around an ass? not me, and the secret is, that if u live a possitive life and have a good attitude, u will go farther and be happier than the ones that do not, now, it is a secret, im sayin it now, im not makin money, but i promise you that people choose to live whatever way they want, and when someone is always complaining about what they dont have instead of being thankful for what they do have, then its a no brainer, have you ever seen some one that has a negative attitude that is happy? doubt it slick, the thing is, the whole point to this is that if you are feeling like crap and notice every thing u do is crap, then chances are you should switch it up and be nice or have a positive mind, and be more grateful, not like a switch, but if you try then hey, but if something wors then why bash it?
Charging ppl to teach what is already OBVIOUS is shallow at best... predatory at worst. Where's the good kharma there again?
so lets get on here and talk shit, hey, just like the people that we were talkin about, people want to express their selves in an attempt to sound cool, so when people try to make other people feel bad, like lets say, a bully, a bully is an ass that wants to make other people feel bad, to this day i still wonder what some one gets out of imputing negative vibes in something, why would you not, just not say anything, instead, you try to talk shit and make someone feel bad for the way they think, seems like what we are talkin about this whole time, go and ask your self, if its on rollit up .org or not, do you say more bad things than good? do0 you try to make people feel more bad or good?????????? answer it guys, you know who im talkin too,
well u are on here acting like we are selling a book, we are discussing what it talks about, not the economic value of someones train of thought,
and out of all the things to buy, wow, this would be one, why not, if it tells you to be a nice guy, what the hell is wrong with that, anyways its like, negative thoughts turn into negative actions, that shit is true, and vic versa
Edwardtheclean, it appears you are still debating with the bashers. I like this IGNORE benefit, I wonder if the haters can still read my posts with them on my IGNORE?

oh well, who cares? Are they both females? I wonder why they have females on their Avatars made me think? maybe they are just.....well, females. LOL you know how females are and can be more often? Negative as the dark.