The Secret

I read The Power Of Positive Thinking in a florida jail in 1972 ! I was in for drunk in public, so this was not a life changing experience. But i did find inspiration in the overall message, that we all control our own destiny, and we all have the power of positive thinking inside of us. Now i can't wait to get to Walmart to get that close parking space. R.I.U. The Best people, the best place to be !!!
Consider this,
we awake during the night, and we have to go pee. We get up out of bed, and we go and return to the bed, in a dark room, and without even thinking about it, and I mean with NO thought at all, we back up to the bed and without calculating or aiming, we sit down in the perfect place to lay back down, back in our original spot.
We just lay back where we was, without even trying. We just know and expect it to happen and it does.

Well, we can use the same "expecting" and get what we want or desire. You just have to get yourself to believe it and expect it to happen by faith.
And we don't have to subscribe to a deity, or go to a building to pray, or donate money to an organization that wants to control our thoughts. We simply WILL positive thoughts, ok, but i'm still gonna lock my doors when i go into Walmart. Just to keep the honest people honest right ?
When we are taught how to shoot pool, we are taught to visualize it in our minds, to see the Q ball hit the numbered ball, and then visualize the ball rolling into the pocket and dropping in.
Same goes for Golf, we are told that to make it happen, first visualize it happening and beleive it will happen and then it will.

Simply, we get what we look for and expect and beleive we will get. For example, when I visit Walmart, I look and expect to find my parking place very close to the door, and I always find it, it just opens up for me when I get there.

I must admit that I laughed when I read this. Knowing I had to run a few errands today I though of how nice it would be to park in the first spot at every single place.

Took a shower and got ready. SHIT YOU NOT I get to the first place and I laugh because I pull into the very first spot in front of the door - head to the next place and got the first spot again - two more places I got the first spot.

i must admit that i laughed when i read this. Knowing i had to run a few errands today i though of how nice it would be to park in the first spot at every single place.

Took a shower and got ready. Shit you not i get to the first place and i laugh because i pull into the very first spot in front of the door - head to the next place and got the first spot again - two more places i got the first spot.

I am a believer!!!

seek and ye shall find!
seek and ye shall find!

The funny thing was I had thought about the parking spaces before my shower and then it slipped to the back of my mind. When I saw the first spot open it was brought back to the front of my mind and I was like "whoa I wasn't even actively thinking about it and it came to fruition.
The funny thing was I had thought about the parking spaces before my shower and then it slipped to the back of my mind. When I saw the first spot open it was brought back to the front of my mind and I was like "whoa I wasn't even actively thinking about it and it came to fruition.

the sub-conscious has to accept it, but the conscious mind doesn't matter what it believes.
im tellin u man, i have been an optimist pretty much my whole life, it might be hard to see the good things rather than bad but if u do see the positive side, its not like u are wishful thinking or anything, the fact is, there is bad things and good things, which one u choose to look at and dwell over is completely up to you, and most people would agree that happy is better than sad, so if you put a little effort into trying to stay positive then u will start to live a little different, it can be over night too, and its funny becasue i am known to always get a great parking spot, and yes something that simple, but every time i say i am going to get lucky or whatever, most of the time i do get lucky, and if i dont, so be it, maybe next time,

too bad this wont work on the lottery,
you guys are way high!!!! lol im just a dick head and i usually expect the worst that way when bull shit happens im not upset! lol your still my boy Ed!
so if i expect this blunt to turn from reg to some super funk it will happen????

I would try visualizing your dealer or your own grow or wherever you pick up having the super funk. Once you stop thinking about "how" I'm going to get funk. "where" I'm going to get funk. Even "why" I'm going to get the funk. You will get the funk. "Dare something worthy" is a good one.

I think the power of positive thinking or whatever it's called is better than the secret. The secret seems more like testimony of people who use these laws of attraction, wait thats the book I was thinking about. Laws of attraction, this book looks at it more scientifically down to the photon level. It's profound the difference between thinking Not,Can't, Don't,No,BUT. And the opposite.
Try this... Just for one day. Think about everything you say. Where ever there is a negative word or sentence try to fix it. Just this thought alone will change your thinking.