The Secret

Seems like the parking lot example is a common one. By buddy is a private currier. He got me into all this stuff 4-5 years ago when he moved to my town for work while dealing with his divorce and bankruptcy. He had nothing! He now has his own condo in the city and is looking for a farm out here to move to next year to retire at 32.
I myself have not worried about much the last few years and everything seems to just fall into place. I'm a dreamer! Visualizer! I haven't actually applied for work in years, the perfect opportunities just come when needed even if I didn't know or care what was needed till after it happens. I am very grateful for everything this I feel is also key.

I have also learned not to sell yourself short on your dreams. It's good to go big! When I was a young teen I raced moto-x and my dream was to win a championship! I visualized every race the nights prior while lying in bed every turn rut,alternate line, I had every wall in my room plastered with moto-x pics. After three years I did it! I had it won by points before the season ended the guy in 2nd could have won every race after and not caught me. I raced those races anyway and broke my leg on the last jump of the season on the last lap 50 feet before then finnish. This event got me into a bad place. Drugs,drinking etc. I started playing guitar and quit racing. Then my dreams changed to playing in a band and doing gigs in the local bars and maybe putting out our own CD. We held a band together for 10 years and did everything I dreamed.
I was too modest with my dreams!! I got exactly what I dreamed but didn't realize both till after they were gone. In both instances I felt as though things were just getting going when they were ending. Sorry for the book, but some things just take time.
+ REP, bro, great post.

I live my life on postitive thinking and attmepting to shape my future and destinty with my thoughts. To me it is magical and mystical, but very much a reality too.
some people would just rather see the negative side of life, of course life has plenty of negative aspects, but that is just the easy way, it might be harder to stay positive, or to stay in a good mood even when something bad might happen, but thats what we choose, and i think every one would agree that in the long run, a life full of attempts to be happy or positive is way better than a life full of routine upsets,
another thing is that we have alot to be grateful for, when people choose to ignore the things that are good in life, i think that they are very ungrateful and will never actually know peace. when we live a life full of gratefulness and try to help our neighbor, man.... selfishness seems so boring, being selfless is were its at,
I love the idea of visulising it to make it happen but no matter how often I visualise it that hot blond on the bus never falls onto my dick
some people would just rather see the negative side of life, of course life has plenty of negative aspects, but that is just the easy way, it might be harder to stay positive, or to stay in a good mood even when something bad might happen, but thats what we choose, and i think every one would agree that in the long run, a life full of attempts to be happy or positive is way better than a life full of routine upsets,
another thing is that we have alot to be grateful for, when people choose to ignore the things that are good in life, i think that they are very ungrateful and will never actually know peace. when we live a life full of gratefulness and try to help our neighbor, man.... selfishness seems so boring, being selfless is were its at,

It took two years for me to grasp all that was in that movie. I apply it to my stock trading now and it is unbelievable!! here's a link to a vid that helped me put it a little more into perspective I think you'll like it :peace:
I'm a student of Esoteric Knowledge and I've read and studied the book THE SECRET at great lenghts. There are also books POSITIVE IMAGING and THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING that I think she based THE SECRET on, by Norman Vincent Peale.

Simply, we get what we look for and expect and beleive we will get. For example, when I visit Walmart, I look and expect to find my parking place very close to the door, and I always find it, it just opens up for me when I get there.

The book can and does change someones life.

thats funny about the parking i do the same thing, and my gf thinks im a witch doctor, cant figure out how i get pimp parking almost everywhere we if she drives we park at the back of the lot or she drives around bitching untill she finds a shitty spot :lol:
I love the idea of visulising it to make it happen but no matter how often I visualise it that hot blond on the bus never falls onto my dick

lol maybe you need to visualize her checking you out... start small man. you dont start kung fu with a black belt do ya....

... and whilst im on the subject, those that believe in the power of positive visualization might want to do some reading up on shaolin philosophy... amazing stuff. changed my life completely... when i was a teen i was the worst of the worst, in and out of juvie, was proud to be a 'thug', and made a living mostly stealing and hustling, and occasionaly burning something just for the fuck of it! oh yeah and selling terrible schwag for high dollar, a mortal sin....

a badly needed change of philosophy and a few years later...
now i get paid beau coup clams installing high end security, access control, and fire protection systems, mostly for gov, state, and multinational conglomorate clients... if thats not karma i dunno what is ;)

im not saying this stuff is for everyone or even anyone, but it sure worked miracles on me where my parents, social workers, friends, probation officers, and many shrinks/counselers all failed.

you got to keep an open mind.. cuz you never know when the chance of a lifetime is sitting right in front of your face....
I love the idea of visulising it to make it happen but no matter how often I visualise it that hot blond on the bus never falls onto my dick

Right!! Baby steps. the thing my thoughts pull from your post is that your trying to make that hot blond do something thru telekinesis. Ask her for a shag? Have you ever talked to her? Or try visualizing YOU sticking YOUR dick up in her.

I like to think of this as an investment into the future, as not everything just magically appears. Most often the great opportunities and insights come in a round about way and when you least expect it. Another example I like to think is part of this. Last fall I got offered a job on a whim so I took it. After a few months when I didn't much like it anymore I quit on the spot. Being early in the morning I went out for breakfast. This was out of the ordinary for me. I sat down with a few locals and they were like hey we don't see you too often round here what been doing. I told them where I had been working and that I quit just 20 mins ago. 20 mins later I had a new job that I didn't even ask for. A job that payed way more! Was alot less work! All this while I was not thinking about what I was going to do next. The more I recognize these events and workings the more I let them happen. Roseman said it and I've heard it like this. "That which you focus on you will get more of in return, whatever it is"
Right!! Baby steps. the thing my thoughts pull from your post is that your trying to make that hot blond do something thru telekinesis. Ask her for a shag? Have you ever talked to her? Or try visualizing YOU sticking YOUR dick up in her.
I wasn't being serious, its a joke. Don't take everything literally.
On a more serious note visualisation can be very helpful in day to day life, by visualising you can convince yourself and thus make you more confident which can lead to benefits. If you feel more confident you will act more confident and this has an effect on those around you also eg: if I tell someone I can drive a car and im confident they are going to be more likley to believe in me and allow me to drive their car, but if I'm not confident they wont believe me and thus wont let me drive.
How is it supposed to be taken? I'm never really serious, just my nature. Probably why I was going to say not to take it personnel, which I should have. Probably also why I started with Right!! But that is the kind of thing some people say quite literally about this stuff. So I just replied to that in general. I'm not too good at emotions with words but I'm sure if I had been talking to ya face to face it would have come across as a joke. Just like I would have come across a little different to.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: I should just use more of these.
Don't worry, wasn't taken personally. Just seemed people, well by people I mean two posts, thought I was being serious and I thought I should correct that. Its a bit like what you loose in translation, take away the person behind the words and the meaning can be lost, its why I think the Burka should be banned, but that should be a different thread.
krustofskie- lol off topic funny stuff
ur avatar... cracks me up... looks like one of those last call chicks at the bar :lol:
another thing is that we have alot to be grateful for, when people choose to ignore the things that are good in life, i think that they are very ungrateful and will never actually know peace. when we live a life full of gratefulness and try to help our neighbor, man.... selfishness seems so boring, being selfless is were its at,

I visit a Womans Prison weekly, for the past year, for two hours. I teach classes and give pep talks and just offer encouragement. I average about 20 women in my classes, they have to be on special priviledges to visit the class.
Just imagine trying to be positive or happy while you are in prison. They are a bunch of down and out, sad and depressed women, believe me.

One think I do, that seems to help a lot, is I give them a small, cheap spiral notebook. To start with, that is a very valuable prescious gift to them. I encourge them to start what I (and others) call a Gratitude Journal. I ask them to start a list, and add to it daily, a list of what they are thankful for. They have to add to it daily. Every week, they show me what they wrote down. Everyday, they are able to add something, like I am thankful for my feet, I am thankful for seeing a bird outside my window, I am thankful I am alive and not sick, I am thankful for my health, or my life, or my nands, etc and they add to the list every day. If they fill the notebook up, I give them a new notebook and a postage stamp, again a very valuable prize to them.
After a few weeks, they tell me, I am not so depressed now, and I see I do have a lot to be thankful for.

My wife and I both keep a Gratitude journal too. Everyday I write down what I have not got yet, but am thankful I am going to get it. like I AM THANKFUL FOR MAKING MORE MONEY THIS MONTH THAN I MADE LAST MONTH or I AM THANKFUL I WIL BE GOING THROUGHT NEXT MONTH IN PERFECT HEALTH.

I don't care if you think it is crazy, but it really really works.
Don't worry, wasn't taken personally. Just seemed people, well by people I mean two posts, thought I was being serious and I thought I should correct that. Its a bit like what you loose in translation, take away the person behind the words and the meaning can be lost, its why I think the Burka should be banned, but that should be a different thread.

sarcasm sux on text too, hard to have voice on hear
krustofskie- lol off topic funny stuff
ur avatar... cracks me up... looks like one of those last call chicks at the bar :lol:
Dude, let me know what bars you drink in, anything that allows birds as rough as my avatar needs burning down. Id like to think I couldnt get wasted enough to end up with one of the "last call chicks" if they are that bad.
Dude, let me know what bars you drink in, anything that allows birds as rough as my avatar needs burning down. Id like to think I couldnt get wasted enough to end up with one of the "last call chicks" if they are that bad.

man i live in tn.... not from here. just live here lol.

lets just they come down from the hills around here.

and the hills have eyes.