The second impeachment of Donald trump*

If Mr Trumpf had been any kind of leader, and actually walked down to the Capitol with his folks like said he was going to do, it would have caused the cops to hold back. It might have been just enough time for them to get to the VP and SOTH. Who just happen to be the 2nd and 3rd in line. We got very lucky he is not a leader.

so many mistakes; it was a three stooges dictatorship..we were very lucky.
I love “agent provocateurs”.

what fucking incomprehensible idiot would possible enable that piece of bullshit??
I'm interested in any evidence that impeaching a person who is no longer President, is a constitutional thing.

Does that mean Obama can be impeached for illegally allowing the NSA to collect phone records etc. ?

George Bush (the idiot) can be impeached for invading Iraq on false pretenses ?

FDR could be impeached for incarcerating U.S. citizens without due process ?

Abe Lincoln could be impeached for jailing the press critical of his ideas ?

Also, could any other Presidents be impeached for issuing "executive orders" ? (Not sure they are a constitutional allowed thing)
So what you're saying is you don't want to impeach some Presidents when they illegally violate the Constitution, (the "highest law in the land")...

... but you do want to impeach the Orange man after he's left office because he wished his hopelessly misguided supporters well when they hauled their fat asses to Washington D.C., and mingled with agent provocateurs who then got the rugs in the capitol temple dirty with their silly protest ?
(after the cops let them in for a tour)
lmao at their sad attempt to pretend that the election in 2017 being counted is as bad.

If Clinton whipped up a horde to attack the capital during that count it would have been a similar situation.
GOP senator wants Trump lawyers to address Tuberville call
Sen. Bill Cassidy, a Republican from Louisiana, says he wants former President Trump’s lawyers to address the call that Trump had with Sen. Tommy Tuberville.

Trump had called Tuberville, a Republican from Alabama, to convince him to make additional objections to the Electoral College vote in a futile effort to block Congress' certification of President-elect Joe Biden's win, according to a source familiar with the call. In that call, Tuberville says he told Trump that then Vice President Mike Pence was being evacuated. That call was before Trump tweeted about Pence.

Trump's tweet said: "Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!"

“The President clearly had knowledge at that point and then the tweet went out,” Cassidy said. can’t incite a riot when it was already going to happen .

That’s sure a bullshit assertion. That’s what happens when you ain’t got shit for a defense

using that same logic trump could have called them all off. But he didn’t. He want into hiding as it happened. Not answering the phone. On purpose.

I can’t believe what a piece of shit trump is.
GOP senator says there is "real concern" about the quality of Trump's defense
From CNN's Jeff Zeleny

A Republican senator tells CNN there is “real concern” about the quality of the former President Trump team’s defense today, saying a poor performance will make it even more difficult to defend their expected votes to acquit him.
so what im getting from trumps defense team is:
- impeachment is premeditated by dems
- reports presented are allegations and accusations and not fact
- its unconstitutional
- evidence presented isn't liable
Yea, the edited one word excerpts taken out of context to create is well below my pay grade , I’m tapping out

Check back in later looking forward to this thread even more after the start of this day :)