The search for 'Move To Canada'?

He is an asshole forsure. But I'd rather someone be upfront. Then hiding their wicked agendas like Hillary.

If I was the president I'd be a complete jerk too, but a honest jerk..
So, you'd rather have an upfront asshole, who has no idea of foreign policy, shit tax policies, the entire world is quivering in their boots if he gets elected, has no experience at all in any shape or form how to govern anything, and your going to vote for him because he is an upfront fucking LIAR, who changes his opinions weekly. Give me a fucking break.
So, you'd rather have an upfront asshole, who has no idea of foreign policy, shit tax policies, the entire world is quivering in their boots if he gets elected, has no experience at all in any shape or form how to govern anything, and your going to vote for him because he is an upfront fucking LIAR, who changes his opinions weekly. Give me a fucking break.

I don't think they are quivering. Some are laughing but so many countries have had flirtations with demagogues in the last 20 years that I think most are just hoping we dodge this populist impersonator of a bullet. Sweating. But not quivering. This guy isn't a war monger. He is no ideologue. He just wants to be famous and very, very rich. If he gets into a bunch of wars it will be an accident caused by ignorant fumbling in international affairs - which is likely - but it is more likely that he just fucks up a fragile world situation into something that will haunt us forever.

I dunno. He's a fucking wild card. You are probably right. Suuuuuuuuck!
So, you'd rather have an upfront asshole, who has no idea of foreign policy, shit tax policies, the entire world is quivering in their boots if he gets elected, has no experience at all in any shape or form how to govern anything, and your going to vote for him because he is an upfront fucking LIAR, who changes his opinions weekly. Give me a fucking break.
Wow I never said I was voting for anyone. Honestly I was just joking..

But if it came down to him or Hillary.. I would vote trump..
You guys should see if Obama can work a deal to share our PM, like an North American President, you'd get federal legalization and "sunny ways" (inside joke if you've never heard Trudeau say that, he's sounds like an optimistic 4 year old sometimes). I can see the conundrum you guys are in, Trump or Clinton, wow, talk about a choice between the least annoying a-hole.
thats sad man....
really sad.....
Hillary is pure evil, you do know this right?

Anyone that works with her says she is an evil cunt.. She is two face. They have no morals at all..

Why the fuck would Bill charge North Korea $250K for a speech?

They are liars and thieves.. Everyone knows this.. How is this still even a discussion?