The "science" of Trudeau: do you recognize this man??


Well-Known Member

Here's information which one could wish had been publicly known once exposed via this article's associated video:
J.-P. Chiasson - Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (Calgary, Alberta) - Marriott hotel in...PNG
SRC - Légalisation de la marijuana: des experts américains mettent en garde le Canada (2016-Oct-26)

Lets put aside the language barrier and focus on who's doing what; this time i'm not talking about Kevin Sabet selling a book of his own, by the way (...):

Kevin Sabet at secret Int'l Montréal congress on addiction (2016-Oct) .PNG'l Montréal congress on addiction (2016-Oct) .PNG

Actually invited as an "international guest" supposed to inform/educate our canuck "spe¢iali$ts"/"expert$" about the "dangers" of marihuana, using Colorado as a cover...

M'well i can't make a statement with 100 % confidence but the guy in the 1st seat of the 1st row, ready to shake hands starting with this most peculiar USA activist/prohibitionist, euh... I mean, it's Jean-Pierre Chiasson! Isn't he?... And if my intuition ever proves right someday then one may as well learn/hear about him instrumentalizing the memory of his deceased son David much the same as last year on our national French-speaking TV network, claiming that dope killed the young man while supposed to discuss cannabis edibles - banned in my province at the time.

So i got to wonder, although quite a bit too late (...), how many canuck "stoner$"/"droÿé$" ever knew the "science" Halloween show following Justin's Task Force report of Agust 24th was organized from Calgary/Alberta by a senior French-speaking member of the "Canadian Society of ADDICTION Medecine" also sitting at their select "Standards Commitee" (ref.: Canadian Addiction Medecine - Bulletin Volume 13, Number 1)??

In other words who became aware in good fair time that Canada's bogus mid-2016 "consultation" would conclude with addictionnist "légaleezation"!? Or for that matter right before the 2015 elections?... In days when Joy Davies was instrumentalized like a used condom, twice.

In The Name Of Children...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
I think I recognize him... It's the reefer madness people! Oh no wait.... It's the let's legalize it and make money for ourselves, because it was never that bad Hypocrite. Why not be a complete Hypocrite when no-one can hold you accountable? It's the genius of politics!
"Like sand through the hourglass- cover the lies with lies"
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Salutations Chex1111,

To "cover lies with more" sounds quite valid for an overall interpretation, thank you, while "1st seat in the 1st row" works good enough for me as a probable confirmation once informed (all too late...) that initial reservations at hotel Marriott were made in behalf of the CSAM - e.g. a most crucial detail and yet self-serving editoriali$ts of our national propagada machine did manage NOT to ever mention it somehow, despite significant (socio-toxic) polarization in Canada's 2016 "légaleezation" context exactly...

TrudeauManiacs may prefer to put it on the account of selective "journalism", peformed by Azeb Wolde-Giorghis who signed the article; i also recall watching Tamy-Emma Pépin (young female below, on the left side) apparently telling us about that same event via that same biased mass-media:

We can resonably assume none of them actually cared to attend from begining to end anyway. Yet i'm ready to bet at least 1 of the 80-some "scientifics" might happen to remember about Jean-Pierre Chiasson being instrumentalized himself much the same way as conservative senator Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu under Stephen Harper, each time proving how our non-accountable/invisible "elites" can be tempted to put obviously traumatized individuals in situations inviting to substitute rationality with emotions, using the dead as their ultimate taboo shield clearly intended to repel all criticism eventually expressed on the public scene.

Which reminds me of senator Jean Lapointe receiving substancial financial support (3.5 M$) from Lucie Charlebois, Québec's former Liberal sinister of "healthy ways"...
Cannabis: « Justin Trudeau n'aura pas mon vote », dit Jean Lapointe (2018-Apr-9)


Never forget Québec's provincial politicians were unanymous voting the infamous loi #44 of Lucie "Nez Rouge" Charlebois.

Lucie Charlebois - Drink to that - TLMEP @ SRC (2017-Nov-19) [480x400] .PNG

[ https:// ]
YouTube: Popular Légalisation du cannabis, la ministre Lucie Charlebois à Tout Le Monde En Parle SQC TLMEP (2017-Nov-21)

And guess what, "re-hab treatment" à la Narconon 3-R happens to be family business for the Lapointe clan:
J.-M. Lapointe & J.-P. Chiasson - Clinique Nouveau Départ, 30e anniversaire - Journal de Montr...PNG
Jean-Marie Lapointe & Jean-Pierre Chiasson @ Nouveau Départ clinic, celebrating its 30th anniversary (JdM, 2016-Nov-24)

Tel père tel fils! It turns out J.-M. Lapointe and his high-profile father BOTH signed the Narconon banner - TOGETHER - just a couple years before our provincial Public Health minister finally felt obligated to force its permanent closure, but not beyond that most vulnerable neighbourhood nonetheless (...):
Anonymous Montréal: Les politiciens canadiens se font aussi berner par la scientologie. (2e partie) [2009-Oct-4]

All made possible by the "genius" of politicians indeed, which inspires me this other article suggestion:
Dana Larsen: Masturbation Panic and the War on Drugs (2020-Nov-22)

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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