Well-Known Member
Here's information which one could wish had been publicly known once exposed via this article's associated video:
Lets put aside the language barrier and focus on who's doing what; this time i'm not talking about Kevin Sabet selling a book of his own, by the way (...):
Actually invited as an "international guest" supposed to inform/educate our canuck "spe¢iali$ts"/"expert$" about the "dangers" of marihuana, using Colorado as a cover...
M'well i can't make a statement with 100 % confidence but the guy in the 1st seat of the 1st row, ready to shake hands starting with this most peculiar USA activist/prohibitionist, euh... I mean, it's Jean-Pierre Chiasson! Isn't he?... And if my intuition ever proves right someday then one may as well learn/hear about him instrumentalizing the memory of his deceased son David much the same as last year on our national French-speaking TV network, claiming that dope killed the young man while supposed to discuss cannabis edibles - banned in my province at the time.
So i got to wonder, although quite a bit too late (...), how many canuck "stoner$"/"droÿé$" ever knew the "science" Halloween show following Justin's Task Force report of Agust 24th was organized from Calgary/Alberta by a senior French-speaking member of the "Canadian Society of ADDICTION Medecine" also sitting at their select "Standards Commitee" (ref.: Canadian Addiction Medecine - Bulletin Volume 13, Number 1)??
In other words who became aware in good fair time that Canada's bogus mid-2016 "consultation" would conclude with addictionnist "légaleezation"!? Or for that matter right before the 2015 elections?... In days when Joy Davies was instrumentalized like a used condom, twice.
Good day, have fun!!
Here's information which one could wish had been publicly known once exposed via this article's associated video:
SRC - Légalisation de la marijuana: des experts américains mettent en garde le Canada (2016-Oct-26)
Lets put aside the language barrier and focus on who's doing what; this time i'm not talking about Kevin Sabet selling a book of his own, by the way (...):
Actually invited as an "international guest" supposed to inform/educate our canuck "spe¢iali$ts"/"expert$" about the "dangers" of marihuana, using Colorado as a cover...
M'well i can't make a statement with 100 % confidence but the guy in the 1st seat of the 1st row, ready to shake hands starting with this most peculiar USA activist/prohibitionist, euh... I mean, it's Jean-Pierre Chiasson! Isn't he?... And if my intuition ever proves right someday then one may as well learn/hear about him instrumentalizing the memory of his deceased son David much the same as last year on our national French-speaking TV network, claiming that dope killed the young man while supposed to discuss cannabis edibles - banned in my province at the time.
So i got to wonder, although quite a bit too late (...), how many canuck "stoner$"/"droÿé$" ever knew the "science" Halloween show following Justin's Task Force report of Agust 24th was organized from Calgary/Alberta by a senior French-speaking member of the "Canadian Society of ADDICTION Medecine" also sitting at their select "Standards Commitee" (ref.: Canadian Addiction Medecine - Bulletin Volume 13, Number 1)??
In other words who became aware in good fair time that Canada's bogus mid-2016 "consultation" would conclude with addictionnist "légaleezation"!? Or for that matter right before the 2015 elections?... In days when Joy Davies was instrumentalized like a used condom, twice.
In The Name Of Children...
Good day, have fun!!