The riddle of the gun; looking at both sides of the gun debate

There are too many guns here now to properly control them...but I think everytime someone gets nabbed and they find 36 guns in their house they should take the guns and melt them down and make something help with the remainder of guns they just need to make bullets super expensive. Chris Rock said it as a joke, but I truly think that is the answer.

That would be unconstitutional, miss, it has been tried. That darned constitution seems to spoil all your fun! :wall:
You could still make bullets expensive. Unless you can cast your own... lol
Cast your own, you can get lead from old car batteries. It might be a trick to make copper jacketed bullets required for the velocities modern firearms can shoot at, but you can always put less powder charge in it. People that are in the hobby usually stock up, I probably have enough on hand to make 50,000 rounds or so. I probably have more than that in manufactured ammo on hand though. Actually, come to think of it, I probably have more than 100,000 rounds of my favorite caliber.
i have my press and a few misc die sets, still need a few more things and supplies to actually get going.
So, your only beef is that the gun control crowd is going about this the wrong way? You'd be A-OK with a constitutional amendment taking away all of your guns as long as it is done procedurally correct?

Oh, me,me, me....OK, the answer is YES. If there is the Constitutional Super Majority, in the Senate to bring the Amendment to vote.

And is so voted Yea. And Passed in the House, Signed by the President, then Ratified by the States....absolutely YES.

Good luck.
No, you will have to kill me first. the individuals right is more important than the masses misconception of safety.
Oh, right, he is talking about taking away the guns. No Amendment can do that.

When gun ownership is made un-constitutionally illegal, then only the, now made, criminals will have the guns.
Glad i got 2 of each of these.....

100 round for my Ar15 and 20 round for my saiga 12


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Not likely, if I didn't have a gun on me I'd get the fuck outta dodge. If I did, well, I guess we'd have to see. I used to be in the forces, and I own over a dozen firearms. I stopped going to the range about half a year ago when my membership ran out. lol I'd like to think I'd respond well, but shooting is a perishable skill, and my days in the forces are long behind me.

Most people who aren't trained, have a tendency to freeze up, make stupid decisions, or just run.

You'd get the fuck our of dodge? You sound very contradictive.
""The Constitution preserves "the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." (James Madison of Virginia, The Federalist, No. 46)"
Cast your own, you can get lead from old car batteries. It might be a trick to make copper jacketed bullets required for the velocities modern firearms can shoot at, but you can always put less powder charge in it. People that are in the hobby usually stock up, I probably have enough on hand to make 50,000 rounds or so. I probably have more than that in manufactured ammo on hand though. Actually, come to think of it, I probably have more than 100,000 rounds of my favorite caliber.

556? 5.45x39?
My fav cartridge is .243 remington.

It's a necked down .308, but shoots WAAAAAAAAAAY flatter. 75 grain bullets FTW! It's like .223 on steroids! :D
My fav cartridge is .243 remington.

It's a necked down .308, but shoots WAAAAAAAAAAY flatter. 75 grain bullets FTW! It's like .223 on steroids! :D

I'm developing a liking for rounds with less overbore capacity. A flat-shooting round is inherently impressive, but I also like to keep my barrel throat in shape for a long time. And the slower rounds get the job done, if you match the cartridge/gun to the task. cn