Another gun thread

Rape is not murder. Please link us to evidence of mass penis murder.

Or mass rape for that matter.

Do better.

The analogy is both a penis and a gun can be used for good things and for bad things. It's the person wielding either that determines which.

So, you want me to give up guns, but you want to keep your penis and don't care about rape victims? Is that what we have here?
You don't have any control over your government. None. Zero. Zilch.

War on drugs. Foreign empire. Highest prison population by % of population in the world. Endless wars. Why haven't you controlled that?

So, because we don't manage every inch of every aspect of government we have no control at all? This is a logically unsound argument. Tell us how much more control we have over individual behavior if you would.
So, because we don't manage every inch of every aspect of government we have no control at all? This is a logically unsound argument. Tell us how much more control we have over individual behavior if you would.
this user is a veritable piñata of fallacy. False dichotomy is in the top five.

The analogy is both a penis and a gun can be used for good things and for bad things. It's the person wielding either that determines which.

So, you want me to give up guns, but you want to keep your penis and don't care about rape victims? Is that what we have here?

Not really, anything can "be used for 'good' things or 'bad'"

If we can say plinking and target shooting and an occasional hunt is a "good thing". But the reality is that killing things is generally not so "good".

But let's look at something else here. Why the HELL is it that every time anyone disagrees with any aspect of any "pro"gum argument, regardless of its logic or content, the presumption is that the disagreeing party must be a gun naive, liberal anti 2nd amendment clown?

All things logical bend to every poorly framed pro gun "argument"? Is that it?

Where have I even once I dicated my desire for you to "give up guns"?

Any proper cut and paste will do.
Not really, anything can "be used for 'good' things or 'bad'"

If we can say plinking and target shooting and an occasional hunt is a "good thing". But the reality is that killing things is generally not so "good".

But let's look at something else here. Why the HELL is it that every time anyone disagrees with any aspect of any "pro"gum argument, regardless of its logic or content, the presumption is that the disagreeing party must be a gun naive, liberal anti 2nd amendment clown?

All things logical bend to every poorly framed pro gun "argument"? Is that it?

Where have I even once I dicated my desire for you to "give up guns"?

Any proper cut and paste will do.
Any logical move towards safer gun laws is a move towards the banning of guns. This fallacy is directly from the playbook of the idiots, my advice, don’t waste your time. You may want to give thanks that laws regarding child abuse are in place (doesn’t agree with those either) or he’d have a 12 year old pregnant wife :(. Unfortunately this “take our guns” mindset and scare tactic is what has led to the exact reason there have not been any meaningful regs in the US that will address gun crimes.
The problem here is the "american" gun culture and its belief in "gun as talisman". This is the notion that the mere posession of a firearm is protection and guarantee against all forms of evil.

A gun is safeguard for rape, theft, starvation, thirst, bullying, murder, government over reach, injustice, inequity and..."bad things.

In the mind of the American gun culturists, one neednt practice with this "tool for the correction of inequity", one need only own or at most brandish this magical item and all will be well.

Children will be protected, women's honor preserved, freedom and liberty upheld, personal rights maintained and natural disaster averted. Bears and snakes vanquished, voting rights supported. Gun owning Parents are able to demonstrate their love by imagining what they will do to child molesters on social media.

Yes, guns are magic to them and they become ever more magic as attachments sprout on their instruments. Red dot sights, noise suppression, Pistol grips, folding stocks, muzzle breaks, all heighten the mystical power of their charm.
The problem here is the "american" gun culture and its belief in "gun as talisman". This is the notion that the mere posession of a firearm is protection and guarantee against all forms of evil.

A gun is safeguard for rape, theft, starvation, thirst, bullying, murder, government over reach, injustice, inequity and..."bad things.

In the mind of the American gun culturists, one neednt practice with this "tool for the correction of inequity", one need only own or at most brandish this magical item and all will be well.

Children will be protected, women's honor preserved, freedom and liberty upheld, personal rights maintained and natural disaster averted. Bears and snakes vanquished, voting rights supported. Gun owning Parents are able to demonstrate their love by imagining what they will do to child molesters on social media.

Yes, guns are magic to them and they become ever more magic as attachments sprout on their instruments. Red dot sights, noise suppression, Pistol grips, folding stocks, muzzle breaks, all heighten the mystical power of their charm.
Well I do like the red dot site on my 30-30 but it’s not mystical just easy to acquire the target in the bush I hunted in.
So, because we don't manage every inch of every aspect of government we have no control at all? This is a logically unsound argument. Tell us how much more control we have over individual behavior if you would.

There is no need to control individual behavior, if an individual isn't trying to control you.

Hey!? Aren't all politicians individuals that you CAN'T control?
Unless that gun is taken from them, as often happens in such instances as you describe.

Then you'd send another "rapist" with a gun to help?

You see, a cop is paid thru a confiscatory basis, "their" money is taken with or without your consent., you can't opt out of their "service". Sort of how a rapist does things.

If a person attacks you and your only solution is to call another person who is paid by threatening to attack you if you don't pay for their "services" whether you want them or does being legally unarmed help solve this problem?
Not really, anything can "be used for 'good' things or 'bad'"

If we can say plinking and target shooting and an occasional hunt is a "good thing". But the reality is that killing things is generally not so "good".

But let's look at something else here. Why the HELL is it that every time anyone disagrees with any aspect of any "pro"gum argument, regardless of its logic or content, the presumption is that the disagreeing party must be a gun naive, liberal anti 2nd amendment clown?

All things logical bend to every poorly framed pro gun "argument"? Is that it?

Where have I even once I dicated my desire for you to "give up guns"?

Any proper cut and paste will do.

Your point may be valid, I never directly asked you, I inferred your position.

Do you support government as a "protector" and think it is involved in providing necessary services in an ethical way ? If you do, it's not hard to infer you might be for consolidating gun possession in the hands of some.

To be fair, I should ask you. "Do you favor everyday peaceful people being able to make their life choices absent a coercion based gang" ?

I should have asked you that already, but you never answered whether or not you were willing to whack your penis off to help prevent rape, so I figured it may have gone unanswered as well.
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If only we could look somewhere else in the civilized world where there are fewer mass shootings to get ideas about how best to protect ourselves and our children.

The biggest "mass shootings" in the world are when government is present and worshipped as a solution to violence, when the reality is it's the biggest cause of gun violence, both passive and active.

Aren't all laws, rules and regulations, even the ones which destroy your rights, backed up by threats of gun violence by police or any of the other multitude of government 3 letter agencies that you are forced to fund?
If only we could look somewhere else in the civilized world where there are fewer mass shootings to get ideas about how best to protect ourselves and our children.
That's one of our problems...American exceptionalism...We're the best in the world at everything, why would we look to a backwards European country for clues about our own problems? We're obviously better than anyone, anywhere...
Except at math...And science...And human rights....And worker rights...And reproductive rights...And...
Then you'd send another "rapist" with a gun to help?

You see, a cop is paid thru a confiscatory basis, "their" money is taken with or without your consent., you can't opt out of their "service". Sort of how a rapist does things.

If a person attacks you and your only solution is to call another person who is paid by threatening to attack you if you don't pay for their "services" whether you want them or does being legally unarmed help solve this problem?
Still hauling that voluntarism stuff?

The people on Florida are mostly thankful that there is a "government". What would you suppose they would be doing without one?

Nor have I yet said people should not be armed.
Still hauling that voluntarism stuff?

The people on Florida are mostly thankful that there is a "government". What would you suppose they would be doing without one?

Nor have I yet said people should not be armed.
if you look at the ideas of one of his voluntaryist role models, Lysander Spooner —

he advocated villages of artisan associations with technology frozen at ca. 1750 levels, pre-steam.
Farrier would be once again a great profession.

The plain consequence is a society unfit to survive any neighbor with repeating arms.
if you look at the ideas of one of his voluntaryist role models, Lysander Spooner —

he advocated villages of artisan associations with technology frozen at ca. 1750 levels, pre-steam.
Farrier would be once again a great profession.

The plain consequence is a society unfit to survive any neighbor with repeating arms.

A wise person evaluates ideas and proceeds from there. Lysander Spooner, an 1800s abolitionist among other things, got a lot right. That doesn't mean I endorse everything he ever said or did. For instance we have different views on intellectual property.

Also, there is nothing in a Voluntaryist world that would prevent people from cooperating on common defense. What might suffer is empire, like the one you live under now, the most destructive of liberty and war mongering the world has ever known.
The people on Florida are mostly thankful that there is a "government".

Except for the ones serving time for weed and the ones who appreciate individual liberty and don't like their consent violated on a regular and routine basis.