The Regulars vs The Non Regulars

It felt wrong, at least for myself and those I knew. By wrong I mean hinky, extremely hinky. Way way in the back of your mind a creeping feeling that this was a sick plot in a bizarre game. This is after years of thought, the feeling was kind of amorphous and hard to explain. Had nothing to do with fear of battle and/or political position. It was insane and made all participants insane just to be able to function. The minute I stepped off the plane and looked I saw I was now in Insaneville

I reread this and wondered... I have spoken to quite a few recent vets that have had some similar ways of describing their Gulf experiences. So anyway, I wonder if total acceptance (on the surface at least) here at home makes it easier for them, during and after.
My dad did three tours after getting a purple heart each time. Clearly, mom was a bitch for him to volunteer to go back every time.

I spoke with a Vietnam vet a while back and he said half the guys were strung out on drugs most of the time making things even more difficult. Did you guys find this to be true?

Also, I;m pretty sure I died fighting in 'Nam before I was reincarnated in '70. Something about it is very near and dear to my heart, even with the pain I feel about it.
I watched this....this is how every soldier in Vietnam felt. The locals couldn't help you even if they wanted too...

Cuz they knew they'd get fucked

You guys were lucky you didn't have the heavy ass gear we had to wear knees and back are fucked....constant pain
Cuz they knew they'd get fucked

You guys were lucky you didn't have the heavy ass gear we had to wear knees and back are fucked....constant pain
Fucked either way. If you think My Lai was an isolated incident in Vietnam, you are sorely mistaken....
Ya know, I'm physically built like a brick shithouse. ..I go to the gym 5 days a week...strong as an ox for my size..can take a beating and can handle pain......but when it's a debilitating pain and you k ow it gets worse. ...I'm only 36 and it sucks....sometimes it hurts so bad I literally break down and cry wife feels bad cuz she knows I'm physical and mentally wreck...and she doesn't know what to do

At my age I should be at pretty much at my peak
This was my unit in Vietnam, 9th Infantry Division. We were stationed in 4 Corps in the Mekong Delta, the worst shithole in Vietnam. I joined the 9th not long after this was filmed, but everything was pretty much the same when I got there......

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