The Regulars vs The Non Regulars

After returning from Vietnam I quickly ruined every personal relationship I had, friends & family. I wasn't fit to be around people. I ran to the hills for 3 years & built a log cabin in the wilds. It took years for me to crawl down from those mountains & be around normal people again. I put my wife thru hell......building this cabin saved our lives, I was gonna kill us both
9-18-2011 log cabin 012.jpg
Yes sir....46 years. She married me 2 weeks before I left for Vietnam, she's a Saint.

I met my wife the first time I was stationed in KOrea......been with her 13 yrs ....she is my backbone

if she wast with me one day she would have found me hanging inthe basement

i put her through hell and back and she is still with me....although some culture differences ..she is the greatest
My best advice to you brother Max, (not that you asked) is to own it. It's part of you now, accept it. It will always play into everything you do. Learning to live with it is the hard part, but you have to because it's not going away. You don't have to like just is......Hugs bro
My best advice to you brother Max, (not that you asked) is to own it. It's part of you now, accept it. It will always play into everything you do. Learning to live with it is the hard part, but you have to because it's not going away. You don't have to like just is......Hugs bro

Thats what Im learning to accept....but once I get my VA and disabilty shit squred away ..i dont plan on working for it all

Im a random mofo....ill hange subject on a whim...I have a hard time looking at people when I talk to them anxiety

Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Be the best grower you can be

4 your wife

the old lady doesnt smoke..but she is coming around with being leanient with it KOrea MMJ is real bad can get locked up for a looooooong time for having such a little amount
Boy this thread went wrong from the start didn't it?

Ptsd is a nice way of saying ur fucked in the head

Stress, depression, anxiety, social anxiety etc
The one things for me is, I cannot believe how vivid the dreams are after 40+ years, I swear I wake up with cordite in my nostrils sometimes...
They didn't have "PTSD" when I returned from Nam, & Vietnam vets were spit on. After I crawled down from those mountains I never spoke of Vietnam again, nobody wanted to hear it. I bottled it up for 40+ years.......
That's super fucked up you guys got treated like that jj! :-(
My late grandfather(god I loved that man)was Bataan death marched, only to escape, and then to be captured again. POW for a total of almost 3 yrs. He came
home half-dead, only to have to spend many many months in a VA hospital from TB.
I can't even begin to imagine what that must have been like, but one thing always pissed me off about him and the American Legion he was a big part of: He treated my father like shit! My dad did two tours in Vietnam. It's hard for him to tell us what all he experienced, but what he has shared, was absolutely unimaginable! Like Vietnam wasn't a real war or something? Jesus fucking christ
Anyways, thanks for your service guys! Really
I can tell you from my own experience that one of the reasons many Vietnam vets are so closed mouth many times is because the war really wasn't that long ago, & many of the participants are still alive. I cringe every time I see them arrest another old Nazi for "War crimes", because much of what we were 'authorized' to do in Vietnam could sure be looked with a dim view in certain World Courts.....
I can tell you from my own experience that one of the reasons many Vietnam vets are so closed mouth many times is because the war really wasn't that long ago, & many of the participants are still alive. I cringe every time I see them arrest another old Nazi for "War crimes", because much of what we were 'authorized' to do in Vietnam could sure be looked with a dim view in certain World Courts.....
Crazy. I never looked at it like that.

My dad pretty much starts crying when you ask him questions about the war. Still to this day. I always figured it to be he was just chocked up, and can't get it out, when asked.
That shit's all bad man
Yous know what I'm talkin about

those mofos that only post in late fall to early spring then hide out during the summer....only to come back and get like points for bullshit ......if you cant be a regular here dont come on here at all

Really? Not real friendly. Kinda amusing that this nothers u so. I was posting on here a decade ago. I'm back now. Hope j aproobe. Lol!