the "regenerated effect " ??????


i regenerated a couple plants , then took clones from those plants... now as i understand and as im starting to see these plants aint producing like question: will clones taken from regenerated plants retain the "regenerated effect " or will they be fresh and new first time flowering cycle?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
if the plant was in a vegetative state when you cloned them, then they will sut grow up as new girls of the same mother.

what is this "regenerated effect" that you're concerned about?


Well-Known Member
i'm on my 3rd cycle of reveg, so far all is well
but some seem to run into troubles of one sort or another
some claim genetic weakening, others say disease, but many have revegged a strain for years


I had a few die after transplanting, others took off... It was my understanding that clones were indentical to the momma, so if the mom has has already been flowered and may be weaker will that Effect the yeild of the clones or are they "new" plants


Come to think of it. Its a whole new set of roots soooo shouldn't it Be like a new plant


Well-Known Member
it is a new plant, but identical genetics to the mother, what the mother did, the new plants should do to
my revegged clones behaved exactly like the mother, they ripened in exactly the same time frame, practically to the hour of flowering time
clones may die, that's not too abnormal, depends on cloning skill/experience and the strain, some strains are tougher to clone
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