The reason they're called assholes!

is there actually any 1 on this site who supports republicans?? how idiotic is that??? is there 1 GOP representative who is actually for medical marijuana? let alone decrim? at least Obama is for decrim and ananymous cabinet member said that he will push for it if he gets a 2nd term. even if i werent the most liberal SOB u ever met that reason alone would be enuf for me to vote dem..... i laugh when i hear rep. talk about how we are screwing up right now with the bail out or whatever, bush f*cked us with his 8 years of failed poilicies-now its the dem turn. wait 8 years and see what happens, then talk shit. for now, shut the F up
Amen JD, Amen!
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. Gandhi

As a young hippy, 40 years ago I had a poster on my wall.

it said

2000 years ago, men wore long hair, and sandels, they preached about love and peace. They were called Christians, they were thrown to the lions.

Today, men wear long hair ad sandels, and they preach love and peace. They are called Hippies. They get thrown to the Christians.

that was around 1967.
not much has changed since.
Amen JD, Amen!

Well, if that's not a ringing endorsement of the stupidity of the message you replied to, I don't know what is.

The failed economic policies of the last two Democrat Presidents would be more correct. Though even then you have to go back further to FDR to discover the root cause of the problem.

Though if we must point fingers, then the blame goes to the Democrats who consistently blocked tighter regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Mostly, because they were receiving Bribes, err Contributions from those two entities.
I'm a Libertarian.

I saw We all unite and overthrow the gov't!

Both parties are so corrupt it makes Me sick. They are two legs of the same beast. Anyone that has any power in the gov't is part of a secret society and have hidden agendas that aren't in favor of the public. Its all been planned by the Illuminati, the presidents are just puppets. Do You honestly think out of all the people living the the USA the most qualified candidates for POTUS would be McCain and Obama? :lol:

Obama is cusins with BOTH G.W.Bush and Dick Cheney. The Fed, under Obamas consent, is printing more money in one year than if 8million dollars was printed per day since Jesus Christ was born. Inflaction at its finest! And the "Federal" Reserve is supposed to prevent inflaction right? HAHA :lol:

Do You know all this bailout money would equate to over 26 thousand dollars per person in the USA? Imagine that!


Why do they call themselves democrats and vote that way, then?I live around corn, potato, and melon farmers.Especially melon farmers, where I'm from we're known for melons(haha) are they lying to me?
Whatever, joe, I was asking for clarification, but apparently all you can give is sarcasm.Way to go.
wow, I didn't mean anything by that.
..were all a little touchy these days, I understand.

Yes farmers 'tend' to vote republican.
Could be the farmers in your state voted out the republicans, but in no way are they democrats now.
Why do they call themselves democrats and vote that way, then?I live around corn, potato, and melon farmers.Especially melon farmers, where I'm from we're known for melons(haha) are they lying to me

It's a pretty big country with lots of farm land.
I can't argue with you about your neighbors. I'm just telling you what the voting trend is.
you can always google me wrong.
Just curious, cuz, well, Iowa is kinda known for farmers, lol...and we did vote democrat this election...maybe my neighbors are an anomaly.
It's a pretty big country with lots of farm land.
I can't argue with you about your neighbors. I'm just telling you want the voting trend is.
you can always google me wrong.
I'd imagine that given the fact that farmers receive large subsidies from the federal government that they would vote for the Big Government Party.

Gee, these farmers don't.They are honest to goodness farmers, making what they can from the land.They're not rich.They are local growers.They have cows, chickens...they are self sufficient.They sell melons locally to the surrounding communities,corn,potatoes, etc.We do have some that sell soybeans on a larger scale, I think, but the only folks around here who had Mccain Palin signs in their yard were the folks with the 400,000 dollar houses who shop at Elder Beerman and Younkers.

As an aside, I do live a few miles from Monsanto, unfortunately.
I'd imagine that given the fact that farmers receive large subsidies from the federal government that they would vote for the Big Government Party.

Didn't I hear something about Obama wanting to cut aid to big agra and being attacked by the congress that thrives on their payroll??