The Real Truth about Rootbound and Transplanting

mo those are not clone those were the mothers they got to big for my grow room
the clones are a seperate thread i was having problems getting them to live
Ok...I dont know for sure....but from what I have read and understand. The plant in your picture looks like it was overwatered and the soil near the bottom of the pot was very moist most of the time. Thast will make the roots travel down there and stay instead of continuing to grow through the soil searching for water and food. Did you let the dirt completly dry out between watering? I am just trying to help here and am no expert grower but am beginning to understand soil growing techniques.


dude im lost did you read the whole thread?
so its settled, rootbound exists... and if you look for the tell tale signs i explained at the start of the thread you will know when and how to transplant. we understand that it is possible to grow bud in a small container from start to finish, but you will be reducing your harvest by a lot (depending on how rootbound your plants are) hope the pics helped and make sure you get them roots loose before you transplant. was only trying to help from the start and i hope the info is helpful.
anyone want to comment about the trifoliate phenotype im trying to create? anyone tried to do this before? i hear trifoliate and quadrafoliates are pretty rare, kinda like celebi or mew in pokemon. anyone have any experience growing these types of plants?
Thank you so much for the information.

Never ever ever in my entire life have I ever heard of the term "root bound" or that plants in pots or buckets could get it.
It's like they run out of room to stretchy and grow or something.

All bitch slapping aside,

What kind of actual research did you do before you ran out and became a grower ?
Yellowing/dying lower leaves due to being root bound or PH levels ?

Seriously ?

The clear jugs only help to remove all doubt.

Maybe you should give up and practice on a few chia pets. I recomend you start off with the dog and work your way up to the chia herb garden.

Free tip: 1 gallon of medium for evey 12 inch's of plant.
You can always tell when your rootbound.....the new growth slows.....the leaves will droop before and after watering.....the leaves will turn yellow and die from the bottom up/

If you think your rootbound the best way to tell is to pop your roootball out of your potter and look at it.... if you can see roots on the bottom and sides of your rootball....transplant that bitch into a bigger potter.

I transplant every 2 weeks starting in a 6 inch cup ending in a 12 inch potter..... gives me a 7 week veg time and a 6 oz per plant yeild

I will always transplant into my final potter 1 week before I cut my get alot more weight if your not rootbound

Thank you so much for the information.

Never ever ever in my entire life have I ever heard of the term "root bound" or that plants in pots or buckets could get it.
It's like they run out of room to stretchy and grow or something.

All bitch slapping aside,

What kind of actual research did you do before you ran out and became a grower ?
Yellowing/dying lower leaves due to being root bound or PH levels ?

Seriously ?

The clear jugs only help to remove all doubt.

Maybe you should give up and practice on a few chia pets. I recomend you start off with the dog and work your way up to the chia herb garden.

Free tip: 1 gallon of medium for evey 12 inch's of plant.

not quite intirely sure what you are going on about. how much reasearch? like i said you have to be really careful about "research" the reason why i made this thread is because of people posting false information that can directly effect your grow in a negitive way. last grow i read from a "reliable thread starter" that rootbound deosnt exist, and it really effected my grow in a negitive way. so depending on what you mean about research, every single day i get online and read something about plants, but most import thing i have learned from growing is to learn from my own expereince rather than someone elses. you can NEVER know for sure if what someone says is true or false until you try it out yourself.

are you trying to tell me that you dont think leaves yellow as the result of being rootbound or having an unstable PH? if you are then guess what... YOU ARE WRONG! like i said im not really sure where you are trying to go with this.

the clear jugs? someone else had posted in this room and removed the post, he was the one saying that rootbound doesnt exist and i proved him wrong. he asked the same question.. you think your so smart blah blah then why are you useing clear jugs? come on man, think about it. take a look around you and at the economy. like i said before i dont sell weed, i share it and i grow it because i love to, not for profit. why am i useing clear jugs? its the only thing i can fucking aford.

maybe first you should ask yourself: "why am i making a negitive comment on someones thread that can ultimately help tons of newb growers increase their yeild by twofold?

well what is it? are you jealous? are you angry that i am right even though im being a douche bag about it? is your EGO really just that big?

1galon of medium for every 12 inches of plant? <---- pretty sill thing to say to me, taking into consideration that all plants grow differently in some way. i started a seed in a cup and litterally 8 days later it was already rootbound. you cant just say just because my plant is so and so tall that it is rootbound and needs to be transplanted, where did you do your research? did someone fail to mention to you that sativas grow taller than indicas? because i did my own fucking research instead of getting online and reading that someone else in the world says that 1gallon of medium for every 12 inches of plant man thats fucking ludicris.

maybe you should do your own experimenting and documenting before you make yourself look even more like am uninformed child. sorry about the ramble and me being a douche about this but its kids like you that are posting up all this fucked up false information.
Everyone that has been growing potted plants knows that a rootbound plant will tend to stunt and produce less. I covered transplanting in my tweaks FWIW.

uncle ben i really admire you, ive been reading threads on this websight for a little over a year and you and brick top stick out in my mind the most, i take your advice over others because of your experience and long time knowledge. but even though i like you a lot im sorry but i am going to have to disagree with you. not everyone who grows in soil knows about rootbound plants. my first and second grows were horrable because i had no idea what rootbound was, and i looked it up because i couldnt figure out why my plants were doing what they were doing, so i read a bunch on several different websights that rootbound doesnt exist with pics of clones being grown in 16oz cups (which do a HELL of a lot better than seeds started in 16oz cups) making me thing that rootbound didnt exist. man im just trying to get the info out because not everyone doesnt know about rootbound plants, and as you can see from the thread there are still people out there who actually believe that rootbound plants dont exist. im really glad you made a thread about covering the subject, but the more truthful threads out there about rootbound plants and transplanting them the better chances i will be able to help novice growers. am i an experienced grower? no, not one bit. but there are some things that i do know from my own experimenting and through my own experience that i feel i can share that can help people. ive always liked you and i will always love reading what you have to say about growin buds.
not trying to call anyone stupid, just because you dont know something or were taught something that was wrong doesnt make you stupid. just uninformed, and im trying to inform people. if everyone would have just left it at "your a douchebag but you gave some really good information" i would have been happy.
its funny to me that the only comment i get about this is somone trying to tell me yet again that rootbound doesnt exist. well sorry huburt but it does, maybe you should try the experiment before you make a hasty remark. prolly one of those guys that thinks they know everything. and yes, i know exactly what your going to say when you reply to this, your going to ridicule me, make fun of me and probably call me some names or some shit, well the fact of the matter is that you my friend are wrong, and you are just going to have to accept that fact and go do the experiment.

Actually I didn't say it doesn't exist, what I said was that you in particular are using root bound as your scape goat cause you can't see the real problem. There is no way the plants got root bound in a few weeks, I simply don't believe it. I saw the pictures, those plants were not root bound at all, they had a long time to go.

As for your little comments there I'm just gonna let that slide, no stupid names from me there bud...I'm not 15 :clap: Regardless of what you want to believe I've kept plants in cups for over 6 months, if they'd been root bound at three weeks I really doubt they'd last as long as they did in there...something to consider.

not trying to call anyone stupid, just because you dont know something or were taught something that was wrong doesnt make you stupid. just uninformed, and im trying to inform people. if everyone would have just left it at "your a douchebag but you gave some really good information" i would have been happy.

Maybe you should take your own advice here, do some more reading and look into what else could cause the problems you seem to have. Turning around and telling me that plants a few weeks old are already root bound is ridiculous.
What you call root bound, I'd probably call something else. I'm not going to say it doesn't happen on occasion, but there is almost no way any plant got root bound within a few weeks, cup or not. I've personally kept plants in 16oz cups for about eight months, no root trimming. I've flowered plants in cups, I've kept mothers for over a year in less than a gallon of soil.

So before you make it out to be cold hard fact, do some investigating. I have a strong suspicion that your plants weren't actually root bound, and that you just needed a scape goat.

Might want to edit that out, makes you sound hypocritical :clap:

youve kept a mother in a gallon of soil for over a year and your trying to tell me that plant wasnt rootbound?
you have a strong suspicion that my plant i posted isnt suffering from rootbound symptoms?!?!?!?!? you fucking for real?! have you done any rootbound experiments yourself or are you just rambling about things that you think you know???

im useing this as an excuse because i needed a scape goat?? THIS IS A FUCKING TUTORIAL
im just so fucking tired of people who get pissed when they are wrong. if im wrong i will admit it, i will change it and i will thank you for giving me the right information.

i dont think im a better grower than you or anyone else for that matter, im just trying to help people and you making it very hard for me to do that, just because you acquired some information you might have come across on the internet, without any personal experience or experiments or documention.

ok hubart, i have 20 plants going right now in plastic cups, a few are bagseed. im am going to leave one of the bagseed plants in a plastic 16oz cup.ill be taking pictures of that plant throughout the grow compared with the plants that i am growing right. you are wrong, plants can and do get rootbound in 10 days depending on the size of your container and how fast your plants roots actually grow, as ive been doing experiments with rootbound plants, ive found out that different plants grow roots differently. i bet youve never done any experimenting on rootbound plants, letting plants stay in small containers and switching one out that you are growing exactly the same into a bigger havent?! no fucking way?! because if you have you would understand and empathize with me on what rootbound plants start to look like and what they start to do. the picture of the plant in my thread is a rootbound plant, weather or not is has different deficiencies was not the subject,. its about rootbound plants. you tried to tell me that my plant looks the way it does because of reasons other than it being rootbound, well your right theres a small chance that there could be a slight nitrogen defiency, but i dont know, i havent done experiments on nutrients and defiencies yet. (as time flows i will) but the fact of the matter is that this plant is fucking ROOTBOUND and that is why it has stunted growth and everything else i explained at the start.

if your biggest problem was bugs, dont you think you would want to know everything you possibly could on how to make it better?
the same goes for anything that goes wrong with your plants, for me the biggest problem was that my plants were rootbound and i have taken the time and energy to learn and experiment as much as i possably can about plants being rootbound.

this isnt about plants or weed or anything for you, for you its about your EGO. am i a pro on rootbound plants? no i am not. do i have more information and knowledge and experience with figuring out how rootbound plants work than you, probably yes. you have to pick your battles man, yours is a loseing one. yes im a dick i know that and i really am sorry that i offended you, but when you comment about my tutorial with stupid comments like "but there is almost no way any plant got root bound within a few weeks, cup or not" you are wrong and it makes me angry. it makes me angry because you remind me of the kid i got the rootbound info off of when i first started growing. i wouldnt have posted this shit if i didnt do experiments man, i wouldnt have posted anything if i thought it was incorrect information or that this woulnt help people. i also wouldnt post anything in a thread without doing PERSONAL EXPERIMENTATION to figure out for myself.

there is so much false information out there and with comments like the ones you wrote, you are not helping the cannibis growing community but hindering it. think about that before you post again.
Wow you're easily upset aren't you? :lol: If you actually read what I wrote I never said plants don't get root bound, what I said is that it generally takes a lot longer than what you're describing. Why would I need to experiment with root bound plants when I'm telling you I can keep them in 16oz cups for half a year? I have had plants growing side by side in different sized containers, and I'm not saying that small containers produce the same growth at all...but it's not because they have some condition, it's as simple as more roots=more plant.

I'm not calling you names or trying to make you sound dumb, I'm trying to help you understand the real nature of what root bound is. When a plant is in a cup for a long time you need to adjust how you feed and water it, you can't just expect a plant with minimal medium to act like a plant with lots. I agree container size limits plant size, no one is arguing that with you. The roots you showed were not root bound though, I can still see tons of soil around them.

well have fun growing rootbound plants that produce half of what you would get if you transplanted correctly, also wondering about that pic, and how horrible the plant probably looks from being that rootbound