The Real Truth about Rootbound and Transplanting

And my point is that a plant doesn't get root bound in three weeks, I'm not arguing that it simply doesn't exist. To make it clear I will eventually do some root trimming when need be, but if plants got root bound as easily as is said in this thread I'd have to trim the roots every three weeks...which I don't and will never do because THEY DON'T GET ROOT BOUND IN THREE WEEKS. It takes months for a plant to get to the point that it's health will suffer due to it's roots being bound, for that point when you can safely say okay it's the roots and nothing else.

I'm also not saying it wouldn't be nice to have bigger pots either, what I'm saying is that not everyone can use 7 gallon they need to keep their plants in smaller pots simple as that. Bigger is nice sure, but not everyone has that much space.

Heres my casey jones after 3 weeks in cup under 1000 mh..... the main fan leaves are just now starting to turn yellow... notice the top leaves are droppy

if I transplant right now the plant will green up and take off again.....If I leave it in the cup it will continue to degrade


that should say , this it what happens when you stop watering your plants as needed

I can transplant those shitty looking plants and within a week to 10 days they will be healthy and green.
My mother was a hanging basket freak .. they were everywhere, and she would always place one stone that was larger than each drain hole over/in front of the drain hole to keep soil from washing out when watered. Often she would pick one that was slightly pointy so it would fit into the drain hole and further seal it from losing soil while still allowing good drainage.

Mom had a real true green thumb. If she'd had been a cannabis grower she'd likely have us all beat.

lol, yeah mom does the same, though she puts rocks in every pot. pretty good grower too :)
this is a bit of "beginner" site, very misinformed.

if it werent for the handful of real knowledgable folk around here, i think many members would still be hanging harvested mj plants upside down with the roots, so the resins could flow from the roots to the top.

or something similar.
this is a bit of "beginner" site, very misinformed.

if it werent for the handful of real knowledgable folk around here, i think many members would still be hanging harvested mj plants upside down with the roots, so the resins could flow from the roots to the top.

or something similar.

Funny you would say that..... Back when I started in the 70's I actually boiled roots to "shock" all the goodness out into the plant :dunce:
Funny you would say that..... Back when I started in the 70's I actually boiled roots to "shock" all the goodness out into the plant :dunce:

funny you should say that, thats the other thing that came to mind to say! LOL

first heard that thing around 10-15 years back (stonertalk back then) so it sure stuck around ! :D
probably wouldave boiled some roots myself if i hadnt been internetsavvy.

heck! i wouldnt have known about 12/12 :D
Originally Posted by sso
this is a bit of "beginner" site, very misinformed.

if it werent for the handful of real knowledgable folk around here, i think many members would still be hanging harvested mj plants upside down with the roots, so the resins could flow from the roots to the top.

Funny you would say that..... Back when I started in the 70's I actually boiled roots to "shock" all the goodness out into the plant :dunce:

Around a year or year and a half ago there was actually a thread here about boiling your plants roots to drive the THC up from them through the plants and into the buds.

I was beyond astounded seeing someone telling people that's what is needed to be done.
Sounds like the myth refuses to die.

I find forums rather useless until you have been around long enough to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who doesn't.

Around a year or year and a half ago there was actually a thread here about boiling your plants roots to drive the THC up from them through the plants and into the buds.

I was beyond astounded seeing someone telling people that's what is needed to be done.
Sounds like the myth refuses to die.

I find forums rather useless until you have been around long enough to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who doesn't.

true, but that gets much easier as you go along :D thankfully.

i guess myths and humans just go hand in hand.

btw, how the heck do you like a post?
i just see this rep thingy.
The "rep thingy" is cool, that's how you give people a ...pat on the shoulder. The "Like" thing (seems it's getting more like facebook) is in the body of the post...kinda...above "reply with quote" down in the right corner....hover over the reply w/quote and you will probably see it.
OOOHHHH HOHOHOHOHOOOOOO!!!!!! you just got told by colonuggs!!!

If you're talking to me I really don't see how I did...I think you're confused about what exactly I'm trying to tell you. I haven't said plants don't get root bound, you seem to think I did at some point for whatever reason. Nor did I ever say that smaller containers don't limit plant size to a degree, and again you seem to think I've said that somewhere.

Keeping plants in small containers will limit their overall size, that's was never disputed. Keeping plants in small containers will somehow make them unhealthy in the span of a few weeks however is just nonsense, if you treat it like a plant in a large container than yes you will have problems. Like I said you need to adjust things as you go, obviously if you have very little soil you don't have as much 'storage capacity' I'll call it. You start a plant in a tiny cup and you need to water and feed more often, that should be common sense.

I'm not trying to start some personal argument with you, I'm pointing out to you that there may be other causes and that it may be worth looking into how to properly keep a plant in a small container. After months and months in half gallon pots my plants are small sure, but they are healthy and green. I use small pots to keep my mothers smaller, it doesn't mean they're all dying of deficiencies though.
Every single cultivated species stands outside of the normal mechanisms of evolution (natural selection, mutation, environmental change) because of human interference. Or, rather, we have taken the reins of those mechanisms into our own hands. We can water and feed a plant in a party cup, so they don't have to evolve to fit that niche. Their natural state is unimportant because we make up for any deficiencies that exist. SOG growers want the smallest pots possible, so they can grow many plants together; an example of human needs trumping botany. SOG plants certainly 'grow their best', given the conditions set for them by man, not nature.
The "rep thingy" is cool, that's how you give people a ...pat on the shoulder. The "Like" thing (seems it's getting more like facebook) is in the body of the post...kinda...above "reply with quote" down in the right corner....hover over the reply w/quote and you will probably see it.

yeah , thanks, funnily i noticed the like "button" moments after i asked, but then couldnt find this thread again and was too stoned to bother :D
just about looked everywhere a few times, except that place (of course i was looking for it where the other stuff is, reply and rep and all that lol)
Heres my casey jones after 3 weeks in cup under 1000 mh..... the main fan leaves are just now starting to turn yellow... notice the top leaves are droppy

if I transplant right now the plant will green up and take off again.....If I leave it in the cup it will continue to degrade


I can transplant those shitty looking plants and within a week to 10 days they will be healthy and green.

I took one look at that clone and said "that looks exactly like my Casey Jones", then I scrolled down a little further and saw that's exactly what it is. Nice.
Every single cultivated species stands outside of the normal mechanisms of evolution (natural selection, mutation, environmental change) because of human interference.

That is true, but you ignore the what might have been thousands of years of evolution that took place before man first interfered.

Your explanation of the evolution and progression of cannabis is somewhat like the Far Side Cartoon:


There is a very large gap in the early to middle part of your chain of evolution and progression of cannabis that is at best only very vaguely explained.
I ignore no such thing. Drastically truncating my comment allows you room for an amusing polemic; kudos. I'm not arguing with you nor will I be drawn. I prefer to wrestle in my own weight class. Besides, I wasn't taking issue with you anyway.

I would observe however, that a wild, uncultivated cannabis plant growing in its natural habitat with approaching optimal rain, sun, etc. would probably not yield much of anything we usually desire in marijuana; big fat stinky buds that stone the bejesus out of you; that is what is bred into the plant. By humans.

That is true, but you ignore the what might have been thousands of years of evolution that took place before man first interfered.

Your explanation of the evolution and progression of cannabis is somewhat like the Far Side Cartoon:


There is a very large gap in the early to middle part of your chain of evolution and progression of cannabis that is at best only very vaguely explained.
I ignore no such thing. Drastically truncating my comment allows you room for an amusing polemic; kudos. I'm not arguing with you nor will I be drawn. I prefer to wrestle in my own weight class. Besides, I wasn't taking issue with you anyway.

I would observe however, that a wild, uncultivated cannabis plant growing in its natural habitat with approaching optimal rain, sun, etc. would probably not yield much of anything we usually desire in marijuana; big fat stinky buds that stone the bejesus out of you; that is what is bred into the plant. By humans.

So if we just bred crappy strains until we had miracle strains? doesn't really make sense to me...

I think we started with the rankest stoniest stinkiest buds and bred weakness into them to be fair....
And why would we do that, pray?

Did you read my original quote of what you said? I couldn't have mis-understood you THAT badly , right? go back to the bottom of page 11... you claimed "natural" mj to not be potent like "bred" plants...

EDIT : just to clarify , when you quoted me, I was TRYING to say, "how could we possibly make a stronger strain than what the originals had to offer?" Lets say you had... SATIVA #1, and INDICA #1... and you had both buds SEPERATELY, cut them up, and rolled them into a joint, i'm sure you would experience the effects from BOTH types (probably STRONGER than if you had just smoked 1 or the other).... so what i'm saying is, by crossing these original plants we have bred weakness into them (although maybe 1 strain can be made better by crossing it with a stronger strain, it would still not be as strong as combining the two original buds in a joint (instead of crossing) ) .... atleast in my opinion

If breeding/crossing plants was sooooooooooo good, why do people strive to find the pure originals that people hvae been keeping alive the last 30 years? :)